New member
I picked up 2 vipers this past year and am trying to get them ready for the coming season. What is a good length or brand of ski carbides to run? I did a search, but came up with so so results. The sleds are 2002 Viper ER's. One has a studded track and one doesn't.
I'm new to snowmobiling, so this is going to be a learning process. Thanks.
I'm new to snowmobiling, so this is going to be a learning process. Thanks.
There are many out there. I used woodys, roetin, and the gytr replacements. IMO, use 6 inchers. Work pretty decent on IL trails...

I have gone to shaper bars with 6 inch carbides...
Talk to Bruce at CB Performance. They are in Gurnee, IL. They know there stuff and are a site sponser. I have nothing but good things to say about the work they have done on my sled.
VIP Member
I've heard good things about the studboy shaper bars and 6" has alway been a good balance of bite vs steering effot for me.
New member
I've got an '00 SXR 600 with dually carbides on it (4" I think) . The track is not studded. I will say it feels like a very secure sled on trail. It's the only one my wife will drive because there is zero darting and it is responsive. Turn the handlebars and the sled turns. Maybe there are other factors which reduce the darting, but it's the first sled I've owned with dual carbides so that's what I attribute it to, but I'm new to sledding too so I'd trust what others say.
I did my own little test last year to see the difference between standars carbides and duals. Put my spare set of standars 6" bars on. went for a ride and got tossed around a little (darting). went back into the garage and changed to the duals. Went back out on the same trails less than 20 mins later and there was a huge difference! I will never ride standard skis without them (duals) again. I went to precisions skis this year. We'll see how that goes. I've heard good things.
New member
Snowtracker !

ther Arrow ski's I have on my 600 is awesome to.Dual runner shaper bars//6" outside and 4" inside.Talk about instant turning..on ice it is instant..just hang on because you won't be used to the bite..when the ski's turn..the sled is turning pushing or taking forever to make that turn..
A lot of options given here.
Clearly, the right choice is Bergstrom triple points with shim and ski saver kit
Clearly, the right choice is Bergstrom triple points with shim and ski saver kit
What type of riding do you do? Slow and steady does not require much carbide. Unstudded track would use a 4" and a studded track 6" or duallies unless it has more than 144 then go to a 8" single. For aggressive riding I would say snowtrackers would be my first choice then Bergstromm triples. Aggressive driving the duallies pack up with snow and loose bite in the corners.The only good thing about daullies is that they get rid of darting if you don't shim your skis.

come on now..who doesn't ride aggressive...dualies can't be beat..instant cornering no matter what.I passed all the Doos last season on the small River..partial ice,little snow.Left them in a heartbeat..taking corners at 80 was not an issue.Stopped some distance ahead and had to wait 15 minutes for them doos to finally catch up..and oh yeah,,the XTC
New member
Thanks for the advice guys. I will probably end up with at set a duals, at least for gf's sled. I'm going to check out cb performance also.
bluemonster1 said:come on now..who doesn't ride aggressive...dualies can't be beat..instant cornering no matter what.I passed all the Doos last season on the small River..partial ice,little snow.Left them in a heartbeat..taking corners at 80 was not an issue.Stopped some distance ahead and had to wait 15 minutes for them doos to finally catch up..and oh yeah,,the XTC
Try them daulies in the twisty trail. Not quite the same as the river.