Are the coils on the Viper,SX-R and SRX all the same ones?I have a bud that may need one for his SRX and we found one off an SX-R engine.
I used one off a srx once but they don't mount the same
Hmmm I just checked the part numbers for the coils and the Viper & SRX coils have the same numbers for 2002,the number for the 98 SRX is different by only having 00-00 as the last 4 numbers instead of 10-00 so I am going out on a limb and say that they are the same coils.The SX-R coils have a different part number completely so I would say they most likely wont work for us.
I've got 3 off a viper and 3 off a 98 srx if you are interested. PM me if you want to know more. Thanks!
Cool thanks.I have to go down to my buds and use my ohm meter to verify that it is indeed the coil that's bad and if it is I'm sure one of us will be in touch.