hey i just jioned and have some questions. i have a 98 srx 700 all stock except for a can. i looking to do some clutching and wanted to know or any suggestions? the second is my fuel gauge coms and goes any know problems? a little about the sled its got 5500 miles 1 1/2 track no studs ive beat every f7 that wanted to race a 08 mxz 800 and 08 1000 couldnt pull me the sled is quick at take off and mid range but im looking for get it to pull a little more on top i am thiking of putting a 1 1/4 track with 144 or 192 studs for this winter i dont like sinning but heat exchanger was a little price when the track blew. thanks
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hey man welcome to the site im sure you will get plenty of help with your machine on here i know i have. if ya check out the technical pages there is a whole bunch of clutch setups from turk. I used his set up for my 600 i will let you know how it works when the snow flys
good luck
ps. you sure you wanna change anything since youve beat every f7 youve ran what more can you ask for

ps. you sure you wanna change anything since youve beat every f7 youve ran what more can you ask for

welcome to the site. if youre really looking for top end I'd go with a 1" over the 1 1/4 but it depends on what you're looking for. not so sure you can run that 1 1/4 studded in the srx safely. unless the drivers have been changed out to 8's. also with a 1 1/2 in there now there's a good chance your heat exchanger and tunnel protectors have probably been removed and should be replaced before studding.
as far as clutching goes whats currently in there. your ideal setup is going to depend on what you truely want the sled to do best. can't have it all, you have to give a little in one area to gain in another. also check what your current gearing is.
as far as clutching goes whats currently in there. your ideal setup is going to depend on what you truely want the sled to do best. can't have it all, you have to give a little in one area to gain in another. also check what your current gearing is.
thanks for the info the sled is bone stock. and all my buddys i ride with got a little mad when the srx flies by them like they are hooked to a tree haha but i love it. one f7 had a hooper kit and i didnt think i would be able to beat but the srx came to life. i do think a 1 in track would be perfect and give me a little more on top. when i raced the 1000 ski doo we hit 118 mph and were side by side i really dont think i need to go any faster i just want to get there quick. but i might leave it were it is for now and bring on the snow im ready to ride
Wow, if u can run 118mph with a 1 1/2 track I wouldn't change a thing except maybe a new speedo.
it does good my speedo is broke thats what the guy said on the 1000 but i do know they are off but i thought it was pretty good
New member
I would say this sled is not "stock". Maybe the motor & reeds, but not everything.
Long travelling the SRX and/or adding longer tracks like a 144" really slow these sleds down. I have a fairly massaged 2002 SRX with long travel suspension and a 144" 1 1/4"
ripsaw and it is breathing real hard to run above 100mph on GPS on normal trail conditions. On ice with a light snow covering it will run faster but that's not normal riding conditions in my area.
ripsaw and it is breathing real hard to run above 100mph on GPS on normal trail conditions. On ice with a light snow covering it will run faster but that's not normal riding conditions in my area.
this was across a lake when we ran. the other sleds ive raced were in a little field maybe 500 ft but it beat all of them f7s zr 800s the only 2 i couldnt beat was a nitro with a 144in and a rx1 both have been worked pretty good
New member
Something wrong with this picture. The nytro & RX-1 are the sleds u should be able to beat, especially in 500 ft. unless they were turbo'd or supercharged. It's the others that should have given u a problem.
Not really, them 4 strokes have massive holeshots, top end is where ya get the nytros, Are stock nytro will out 60ft. our improver.