skid lid question


New member
Apr 15, 2011
Hey everyone got a gear question for everyone. last season i purchased an el cheapo snowmobile helmet i wear glasses and they would fog up all the time forcing me to ride with my shield open. not a big deal on my 1980 pantera with a picture window for a windshield but could be a problem on the srx with a low shield! any suggestions on a good quality helmet that wont fog my four eyes thanks for all the help
I picked up a Gmax last year with the flip-up chin bar and like it a lot. It does have some air leaks around the seals, but overall am happy with it. But, I wear contacts when I ride, so I can't comment on the glasses fogging up yet. It has a lot of good features though and it was reasonably priced.
I bought a Bombardier BV2S late last year. I used it in temperatures well below zero after dark and I used it into the 30's. I have no complaints. This helmet has the aviator style mask which seals to your face and exhausts your breath outside the helmet, keeping the moisture away from your lense.
What about anti-fog juice or something similar? Never tried the stuff but it may work and save some $$ too.
Don't go overly cheap on the helmet. Dents in the head aren't so easy to pull out. I bought an HJC Daggar last year and it wasn't much money but had good write ups and purchased my girlfriend an HJC Cyclone and she loves it. Need a good breath box to not fog.
