New member
I need to change the track on my 02 Viper and have never done it before. I've read the tech pages on the subject. The only thing I don't know is whether this is a big job and how much mechanical skills you need. Can anyone offer any advice? Thanks.
Burlyviper changeing a thack in any sled is a little work but take your time as you take a part.the yamahas you take the chain case off inoder to pull the drive cogaxle out.pluse the speed O bearing needs to come off frist.but the bearing has a setscrew collar.it's not hard too do.like i said take your time w/ it.the snow is not here untill JAN 2012 

New member
before you pull your skid, loosen the bolts at the bottom of the transfer rods, this removes the rear shock preload. Last step on installing your skid will be to tighten them back up. Drain your chaincase oil the day before you do the swap, it cuts down on the mess. The more you swap tracks, the better you get.
VIP Member
I just did my first on on my viper er. It was a little more involved with electric start and the reverse, but It really wasn't that bad. Take your time and a digital camera can really be your friend. Take lots of pics along the way during disassembly. It makes puting everything back together alot easier. If you get stuck there's lots of guys on here that will talk you thru it, just holler.

Super Moderator
gil7247 said:I just did my first on on my viper er. It was a little more involved with electric start and the reverse, but It really wasn't that bad. Take your time and a digital camera can really be your friend. Take lots of pics along the way during disassembly. It makes puting everything back together alot easier. If you get stuck there's lots of guys on here that will talk you thru it, just holler.
X2! The first is always the hardest, but when your done you can do it again in your sleep.
Check post 8 and 9 for some pics of the transfer bolts (as mentioned by grapeape) and chain case. http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/showthread.php?t=65925&highlight=stretch
The set screws on the speedo bearing are probaly the most troublesome. As mentioned above, take lots of pics while diss-assembling. Just remember that you do not need to remove the E brake cable or brake line from the caliper. Real pain to install the cable and bleed the line.
The set screws on the speedo bearing are probaly the most troublesome. As mentioned above, take lots of pics while diss-assembling. Just remember that you do not need to remove the E brake cable or brake line from the caliper. Real pain to install the cable and bleed the line.
New member
Thanks for the tips. The skid is the easy part as I installed an M-10 last year. So I already know how to take it out. One dumb question, do I take off the side body panel on the gear case side before I start? Or do I keep it on the sled?
VIP Member
You shouldn't have to remove any panels. There's room in there once your exhaust and battery are out of the way. Gil