New to the sledding world, although I've been around ATV's most of my life.
Just picked up a 00 MM with the blue head, red vs blue head is another thing going thru my mind, but we'll stick to topic.
Curious if I can go with a 5" Riser, and not have to lengthen any cables.
I've used the search feature and found people who've got 4" with no problems, but 5 1/2 required extensions, nobody has asked about 5". I know a half inch isn't much, but I was hoping someone had experience with it before I go balls in on the wrong size risers and then have to go balls in on new cables and then regret not going even longer on a riser.
Here's the risers I'm looking at, half way down the page.
I'm 6'4", 6'5" when I'm feeling tough. I can already tell the stock height isn't going to cut it.
Just picked up a 00 MM with the blue head, red vs blue head is another thing going thru my mind, but we'll stick to topic.
Curious if I can go with a 5" Riser, and not have to lengthen any cables.
I've used the search feature and found people who've got 4" with no problems, but 5 1/2 required extensions, nobody has asked about 5". I know a half inch isn't much, but I was hoping someone had experience with it before I go balls in on the wrong size risers and then have to go balls in on new cables and then regret not going even longer on a riser.
Here's the risers I'm looking at, half way down the page.
I'm 6'4", 6'5" when I'm feeling tough. I can already tell the stock height isn't going to cut it.
go for longer cables. i have risers on most my sleds and the 3.5" on the 00 mtn max would activate the tors depending on where the bars were turned.
use the oil and throttle cables from the 03 mtn viper.
you may need a longer brake hose as well. sometime you can rotate the banjo fittings to accommodate the rise, you will know when you install the riser if the brake line fits.
use the oil and throttle cables from the 03 mtn viper.
you may need a longer brake hose as well. sometime you can rotate the banjo fittings to accommodate the rise, you will know when you install the riser if the brake line fits.