Hello, well here is the story, while I was finally putting my new pipes on my viper I was trying to put my exhaust temp probe in the pipe. In doing so I was trying to move my powervalve cable out of the way, so I was pulling on it and all of a sudden the cable gave away and the servo made a noise like a electric motor being turned without electricity. NOw there is no tension at all on any of the valves.
SO what I am trying to find out what happened and how can I fix it. IS it a easy cheap fix or is it hard and painful.
Anyone know what happened??
SO what I am trying to find out what happened and how can I fix it. IS it a easy cheap fix or is it hard and painful.
Anyone know what happened??
New member
It sounds like you moved the servo motor when you moved the cables. You should be able to turn the key to the "on" position and the servo motor will self center and tighten the cables back up to where they were. Do a search on "How to adjust yamaha viper power valves". I forgot where I found it, but it's very helpful.