80 Exciter 440 help


New member
Oct 13, 2006
Avoca, Mi
Just picked up a 80 440 exciter from a guy down the road, been sitting behind his garage for 3 years, had to rescue it, couldn't see it go to waste. He told me he couldn't get it running thought it had bad fuel. Got it home and drained the fuel tank and oil tank put fresh oil and gas in it. Pulled the carb and did a good cleaning on it and still no luck starting. Its getting fuel and spark and has good comprssion, but still won't start, thinking electrical now, went through the harness and everything looked good. Anyone got any ideas where to go next with it?
I had a 79.

Did you try dumping a little mixed gas down the cylinders? If it fires off, I would start over on the fuel system all the way from the tank to the carbs.

I also had a problem with the choke stuck in the full choke position. The choke plunger in the carb was gummed up
Thats what I can't figure out, I put a new spring in the choke plunger and a new flipper on the cable. And the plugs are wet with fuel, almost like its flooding out, but you think it would still fire with new plugs and no choke if its moving fuel. Starting to wonder if its not getting enough spark, maybe a issue with the coil.
Could be weak spark too. Also had a rub-through on the wiring harness to CDI which should be mounted in the front belly pan somewhere.

Check all wires and plug caps for corrosion, sounds like its been sitting a while. I hope you can get this sled running. It really rips for a 440 and a lot of fun to bomb around on.
You don't have the fuel enricheners adjusted correctly. You need to make sure the plunger is seated down tight to not let fuel in when off. Sounds like it is being held up a little.
Ok, choke is good, not the coil. Looked at some vintage forms and its looking like cdi box, wish I had one to try before I drop cash to find out thats not it?
My experiance on those CDI's is they are either good or bad. If you have spark (should be blue) it should run. Weak spark is usually a ground issue between the coil and harness or the spark plug wire ends. If the crankcase is flooded new plugs won't do much good. Make sure the fuel pump is not leaking fuel into the crankase via the pulse line (diaphram in pump can crack if it sits dry for to long). Also, check the rubber tip on the choke (enrichiner) plunger. I've had/seen them crack and cause fuel to be pulled up through the choke tube even when the plunger is down. One more. Try to start it with the pipe off. I have seen them plugged with mouse nests to the point that air can not pass through. They won't run if the exhaust can't get out.

They are simple sleds that are not prone to many issues. Sitting outside behind a shed can bring mant different gremlins to the table though so go through things step by step using the process of elimination as the #1 tool.

Good Luck, opsled
Thanks for the input guys, I have alot of experiance with the triples and 4-strokes and thats what I said when I looked at this sled "I can get that running" but its proven to be a challange. I will keep plugging away, was thinking maybe the fuel pump. Gonna look there next. Is there a way to drain the cases on them if it was loaded with fuel?
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you can take off the pulse line, remove the exhaust pipe, and blow compressed air in the pulse line going to case, if raw fuel comes out its got a flooded crankcase. if its flooded theres nothing that will start the engine till you clear out the fuel, its like the choke times 10 rich. You can also pull the plugs and pull it over as fast as you can it will draw the fuel up out of the case but you wont be able to get it all out without compressed air. Dont spray a bunch of starting fluid in it, youll take all the oil off the crank bearings and piston rings.
Good news!!! Got it going,it was the cdi. Put the new one on and one pull it fired right up and runs perfect. Thanks for the input guys. Anyone know where to get a chaincase gasket for it?
you can get the gaskets from your local dealer for the chain case they are in the $20 range as far as the cdi goes i think it is a fluke that it worked they either work or they don't i agree with opsled on that some thing of this age should have crank seals put in it that is where i believe you will find the problem I am not a know it all but i do work on this stuff day in and day out for a living and i specialize in this era of yamaha check the crank seals
Ok guys, got new seals put in her and she runs great. Next thing the head light is dim and tail light is dim and when u you grab the brake it goes out. Would it be a lighting coil or possibly the voltage regulator?
regulator to do a simple test just unplug it if the lights come back on to normal it will be the regulator......................do not rev it up just idle if not you will be replacing all the bulbs if this does not do it you need to check all the grounds and check the wires to the tail light they may have rubbed through but most likely the regulator clutch side on the foot well

