well at the end of the season last year, my #1 cylinder plug was lookin pretty balck..not to much time after it fouled the plug..first plug i fouled in 3 years owning the sled..so i put another one in an it fouled..but i couldnt play with it anymore because the snow vanished..so since i have some time on my hands i was just wondering what could cause this so then i could start looking at it now..thanks for ur imput..
Check the float level and the choke plunger it is possible that one of these two may be your culprit.

^X2. if those check out ok, check your reeds in that cyl, and your plug cap on that cyl
New member
If your carburetors are clean and properly set then it could be a faulty coil, trying switching coils with another and see if it makes a difference.
I use PR9EYA plugs. They have a solid cap. One less thing to chase down. My .02staggs65 said:^X2. if those check out ok, check your reeds in that cyl, and your plug cap on that cyl
I think he was referring to the actual plug wire cap...they have a resister in them and it is not uncommon for the resister to go causing plug fouling, misses ect.
Personally I have been replacing the plug caps every couple years[or when I think of it] on all my sleds as preventative maintenance.
Personally I have been replacing the plug caps every couple years[or when I think of it] on all my sleds as preventative maintenance.

yes plug wire cap. thanks bob