remove throttle an choke cable


New member
Oct 11, 2009
i tried some searches, but had no luck..anyway im knew at cleanin carbs..but the only question so far is how do i remove the throttle an choke cable?..any imput would be great, thanks
for the choke..I just unscrew the lever on the dash and slide the lever and cable back thru the dash hole.That way the choke cable is still attached to the carb because the choke is the worst to get back on to the carb
on the choke almost the same on the throttle take 10 mm wrench losen jam nut pull the cable then uscrew the ferrel also a 10 mm bolt guide the cable out through the slot that holds it to the carb rack then turn cable 90 degress this takes a little patience maybe pair of needle nose pliars will help if it never been out this way. slide it out through its slot ur done dont forget to pinch off coolant lines before removeing them makes a mess if not then onto the fuel lines alot easyer than leavin cables on then they clean the bench off while ur wokin on them just my 2 cents
