TY Ride Shirts for 2011-2012, ORDER NOW!!


Site Admin/CEO
Staff member
Apr 25, 2003
Weston WI
T shirts: $10 ea. Add $2.00 for 2XL-4 XL
Long Sleeve: $15 ea. Add $2.00 for 2XL- 4XL
Sweatshirts: $20 ea. Add $3.00 for 2 XL-4XL
Hoodies: $26 ea. Add $3.00 for 2 XL-4XL

All logos will be a 2 color black and grey or white and grey as shown. Color scheme is based on how it prints on the shirt color.

all standard colors, red, blue, black, gray, white on preorder only. Extra shirts will all be in black.

If shipping is required it will be $6 per shirt, If you want to pick them up at the ride I will have your name on your orders and available atthe rides that I will attend or I can arrange the TY Ride leader to hand them out. If you are order multiple shirts that need to be shipped please contact me for a shipping total before placing order.(I can give you a better rate).

The ride shirts will be available anytime after printing. I will have only a FEW extra at the rides that I will be attending. So if you want a shirt you should order NOW. Dead line is Dec 1st pre orders. You can paypal webmaster@totallyamaha.net or send Check or Cashiers Check to:

PO Box 331
Schofield WI 54476

Please send info with order:

Full Name:
Shirt Type: Tee, Long Sleeve ect..
Shirt Size: S-4XL
Shirt Color:
Shipping or pick up at ride
Ride Attending and Date of that ride.
Total $ with shipping if required.

That is a SWEET ride shirt design! I am ordering mine right now before they're unavailable!
They are sweet! I will be ordering one for sure. Trying to decide between T or LongSleeve and what color.
Thanks everyone for getting on this... I am putting the order in today... you snooze you loose :)

I will have some extras but just limited with sizes and QTYs.
Sorry I missed the deadline. Count me in on one of the extras in large if you have one. Both in t shirt and sweatshirt. Thanks Gil
I have the shirts in now. I am sending out the shirts to those that ordered them. I have some size of , long sleeves, short sleeves and hoodies in black. Please email webmaster@totallyamaha.com the shirts and sizes you would like and I will reply with a total and shipping that will need to be paypal to TY prior to shipping.

I have very limited quantity's and will go fast so dont wait if you would like one.
I have the following Extra Anniversary Shirts, See Prices at the top of the thread for prices:

Black Hoodies:
2 - 2X
1 - L
3 - XL

Black Tees:

1 - S
2 - M
1 - L
3 - 2X

Black Long Sleeves:
2 - M
5 - L
1 - 2X
