Vin #s by year
1968: SL350 (model code 801) RW1(if you got one of these, its worth some coin)
1969: SL351 (model code 802) vin code 802(bank on this as well)
1970: SL338 (vins and engines will start with 00101, see the 71 list for clarity)
SL338B(vins and engines will start with 20101 or higher, the 2 being key)
SS433 (starting vins of 00101)
SW396(one of my personal favorites from yesteryear)
1972: EW433B
GP292(woo hooo, loved this little sled!)
SL292B(vins will roll at or above 10101
SL338C(vins again roll at or above 30101
SL433B (vins at 25101 or more)
SW433B (vins will show 10101 or more)
Model / Starting Vin Number
EL433B / 843
EW433C / 842
EW643B / 852
GP292B / 845
GP338 / 846
GP433B / 844
GP643B / 847
SL292C / 839
SL338D / 840
SL433B / 841
SM292 / 853
SR292 / 856
SR433C / 857
SR643B / 858
SW433C / 838
1968: SL350 (model code 801) RW1(if you got one of these, its worth some coin)
1969: SL351 (model code 802) vin code 802(bank on this as well)
1970: SL338 (vins and engines will start with 00101, see the 71 list for clarity)
SL338B(vins and engines will start with 20101 or higher, the 2 being key)
SS433 (starting vins of 00101)
SW396(one of my personal favorites from yesteryear)
1972: EW433B
GP292(woo hooo, loved this little sled!)
SL292B(vins will roll at or above 10101
SL338C(vins again roll at or above 30101
SL433B (vins at 25101 or more)
SW433B (vins will show 10101 or more)
Model / Starting Vin Number
EL433B / 843
EW433C / 842
EW643B / 852
GP292B / 845
GP338 / 846
GP433B / 844
GP643B / 847
SL292C / 839
SL338D / 840
SL433B / 841
SM292 / 853
SR292 / 856
SR433C / 857
SR643B / 858
SW433C / 838
Last edited:

for 1974:
model / starting vin number
GP246F / 881
GP292F / 864
GP338F / 865
GP433 / 866
GPX338F / 878
GPX433F / 879
SL338F / 859
SL433F / 861
SM292F / 867
TL433F / 874
TW433F / 868
just a note: on the early sleds from around 72 and up to around 84, the engines also had identifying numbers. easy way to check if the engine was original to the model. most after 84 the vin and the engine prefixes should match starting digits.
1975: last of the easy years, in fact, one of the easiest. for those that remember, this was the year when alot of snowmobile manufacturers went under, or almost under. some blamed it on the oil crisis, others the weather. i worked at a service station during those times, limit: 5 gallons, cars were lined up for miles. the few who weathered the storm we owe thanks to for todays sleds!
GPX338G and GPX433G were the only models produced that year, with vins starting with 888 and 889.
for 1976, new line up, new names, and yamaha started identifying the sleds with numbers used similar to todays.
EX340(Exciter 340)-8A6
EX440(Exciter 440)-8A5
GP300- 899
GP440- 8A1
GS300- 898
GS340- 8A0
PR440(Prestige 440)- 8A2
SRX340- 8A8
SRX440(the start of a long winning streak)- 8A7
ET250(Enticer 250)-8F3
EX340(Exciter 340)-8E7
EX440(Exciter 440)-8E8
GP440 -8E4
GS300 -8E6
GS340 -8E3
SRX440 -8F2
ET250(Enticer 250)- 8G5
ET340(Enticer 340)- 8G8
EX340(Exciter 340)- 8G7
EX440(Exciter 440)- 8G6
SRX440 - 8G9
SSR440(Yamahas first and only flat track specific sled) 8H0
EC540(ExcelV) 8H8
ET250(Enticer 250) 8H4
ET300(Enticer 300) 8H9
ET340(Enticer 340) 8H5
ET340E(Enticer 340 electric start)8J4
EX440(Exciter 440) 8H6
SRX440(Duh) 8J0
model / starting vin number
GP246F / 881
GP292F / 864
GP338F / 865
GP433 / 866
GPX338F / 878
GPX433F / 879
SL338F / 859
SL433F / 861
SM292F / 867
TL433F / 874
TW433F / 868
just a note: on the early sleds from around 72 and up to around 84, the engines also had identifying numbers. easy way to check if the engine was original to the model. most after 84 the vin and the engine prefixes should match starting digits.
1975: last of the easy years, in fact, one of the easiest. for those that remember, this was the year when alot of snowmobile manufacturers went under, or almost under. some blamed it on the oil crisis, others the weather. i worked at a service station during those times, limit: 5 gallons, cars were lined up for miles. the few who weathered the storm we owe thanks to for todays sleds!
GPX338G and GPX433G were the only models produced that year, with vins starting with 888 and 889.
for 1976, new line up, new names, and yamaha started identifying the sleds with numbers used similar to todays.
EX340(Exciter 340)-8A6
EX440(Exciter 440)-8A5
GP300- 899
GP440- 8A1
GS300- 898
GS340- 8A0
PR440(Prestige 440)- 8A2
SRX340- 8A8
SRX440(the start of a long winning streak)- 8A7
ET250(Enticer 250)-8F3
EX340(Exciter 340)-8E7
EX440(Exciter 440)-8E8
GP440 -8E4
GS300 -8E6
GS340 -8E3
SRX440 -8F2
ET250(Enticer 250)- 8G5
ET340(Enticer 340)- 8G8
EX340(Exciter 340)- 8G7
EX440(Exciter 440)- 8G6
SRX440 - 8G9
SSR440(Yamahas first and only flat track specific sled) 8H0
EC540(ExcelV) 8H8
ET250(Enticer 250) 8H4
ET300(Enticer 300) 8H9
ET340(Enticer 340) 8H5
ET340E(Enticer 340 electric start)8J4
EX440(Exciter 440) 8H6
SRX440(Duh) 8J0

EC540 (Excel V)--8K1
ET250 (Enticer 250)--8J5
ET300 (Enticer 300)--8K0
ET340 (Enticer 340)--8J6
ET340E (Enticer 340 deluxe with electric start)--8J9
EX440 (Exciter 440)--8J7
SR540 (SRV)--8L0
this year brought the two new models in the SS and the SRV which paved the way for sleds to come in the following years.
EC340 (Excell lll)-- 8L6
ET250 (Enticer 250)--8L2
ET300 (Enticer 300)--8L3
EX440 (Exciter 440)--8L5
SR540 (SRV)--8L9
BR250 (Bravo)--8R4
ET340 (Enticer 340)--8N5
ET340TR (Enticer 340T Long Track)--8R3
SR540 (SRV)--8R6
another slim model year from yamaha, but some good sleds are coming!
BR250 (Bravo 250)--8U0
EC340 (Excell lll) -- 8T7
ET300 (Enticer 300) -- 8T5 (still have this sled, would sell it cheap)
ET340T (Enticer 340 Long Track)--8T9
SR540 (SRV) --8U7 (just sold this one, had it way to long, helluva runner, kinda miss the old girl. bought it used in 86. comfort in knowing it will bring enjoyment to others. man did i do some stuff to that)
VMX540 (Vmax) --8U9 (this was the start of good things to come for yamaha. lots of new and firsts on this mighty powerhouse.)
BR250 (Bravo)--8V7
EC340 (Excel lll)--8W8
ET300 (Enticer 300)--8W6
ET340 (Enticer 340)--8W9
ET340T (Enticer 340 long track)--8X0
PZ480 (Phazer)-8V0 you all know this one, one of the best ever for years to come!
PZ480SE (Phazer SE)-- 8X9. this one came with electric start standard.
SR540 (SRV)--8V9
VMX540 (Vmax 540)--8X6. once drove 2.5 hours in the dark to pick one of these up. wish i still had it.
BR250 (Bravo 250)--80F
BR250T (Bravo 250 Long Track)--8Y1
EC340 (Excell lll)--8Y3
ET340 (Enticer 340)--8Y2
ET340T (Enticer 340T Long Track)--80E
PZ480 (Phazer)-80L
PZ480E (Phazer E Electric Start)--80K
SR540 (SRV)--8Y0
SS440-- 80R
VMX540 (V-Max)--80N
XL540 (XL-V)-8Y7 reintroduced from 1980 with some new graphics and a clutch change, back by popular demand.
BR250 (Bravo 250)--80v
BR250T (Bravo Long Track)--81U
CF300 (Inviter)--81E this was one of the more space aged sleds for its time and is still desireable amongst collectors and restorers. way cool for its time!
EC340 (Excel lll)--80Y
ET340 (Enticer 340)--80X
ET340T (Enticer 340 Long Track)--81A
PZ480 (Phazer)--81H
PZ480E (Phazer Deluxe, Electric Start)--81J. anyone notice that this year having electric start now makes it "Deluxe"? that moniker will stick for a few years to come, not just for the PZ, but more upcoming sleds.
SR540 (SRV)--81G
VMX540 (Vmax)--81K
XL540 (XL-V)--81R
if anyone following along has noticed any patterns developing with the vin codes, please advise. i know there are commonalities, but i havent been able to predict a constant. things only get more confusing in the next few years.
BR250 (Bravo)--82F
BR250T (Bravo Long Track)--82R
CF300 (Inviter)-- 83M
EC340 (Excel lll) 82J
ET340 (Enticer 340)--82H
ET340T9Enticer 340 Long Track)--82U
EX570 (Exciter)--82M the phazer on steroids. this was a hard sled to tune for an introductory year model. the subsequent years had the bugs worked out but if you have an 87, theres plenty of corrective info available.
PZ480 (Phazer)-- 82K
PZ480E (Phazer Electric Start)--82L
SR540 (SRV)--82W. my second srv purchase. never should have let the wife ride the 83 after the motor work. should have kept her on the Excell 340. this began a life long journey towards her power and speed addiction.
VMX540 (Vmax)--83H. wouldnt let her ride this for another year or so. wish i never did.
XL540 (XL-V)--82V
BR250 (Bravo)--83Y
BR250T (Bravo 250 Long Track)--84E
CF300 (Inviter)--83U. anyone ever ride one of these? looks and styling were years beyond. i would have thought yamaha recruited aliens from outer space on this build.
EC340-(Excell lll)--84H. bought a pair of these for dang near nothing from a guy that didnt take well to the cold. great for the kids and fun for the adults. just needed more track.
ET340 (Enticer 340)--83T
ET340T (Enticer Long Track)--84F
ET340LTR (Enticer Long Track + Reverse) --84G this one set precedence for the future as well. reverse? who needs that. wait, i do!
EX570 (Exciter) --84M
EX570E (Exciter Deluxe [E-Start]--84N
PZ480 (Phazer)--84J
PZ480E (Phazer Deluxe [E-Start]--83V
SR540 (SRV)--84L
SV80 (Snoscoot)--85G. fun little machines these were, kid or adult, jet ski on snow
SV80E (Snoscoot w/ E start)--85H
VK540--84R big ole wide and long track tree pulling, moose hauling, ice shanty dragging utility sled. one of the first wide tracks ever among the big 4. set a mark others followed.
XL540 (XL-V)--83W
BR250 (Bravo)--86A
BR250T (Bravo Long Track)--86C
CF300 (Inviter)--86E
CS340 (Ovation)--85L
CS340E (Ovation Deluxe w/ E-Start)--85N
ET340TR (Enticer Long Track/Reverse)--85V
EX570 (Exciter)--86M
EX570E (Exciter Deluxe/E-Start)--86N
PZ480 (Phazer)--86F
PZ480E (Phazer Deluxe E/Start)--86H
SR540 (SRV)--86U
SV80 (Snoscoot)--85X
SV80E (Snoscoot E-Start)--85Y
VK540E (VK540)--86R
XL540 (XL-V)--86K
EC540 (Excel V)--8K1
ET250 (Enticer 250)--8J5
ET300 (Enticer 300)--8K0
ET340 (Enticer 340)--8J6
ET340E (Enticer 340 deluxe with electric start)--8J9
EX440 (Exciter 440)--8J7
SR540 (SRV)--8L0
this year brought the two new models in the SS and the SRV which paved the way for sleds to come in the following years.
EC340 (Excell lll)-- 8L6
ET250 (Enticer 250)--8L2
ET300 (Enticer 300)--8L3
EX440 (Exciter 440)--8L5
SR540 (SRV)--8L9
BR250 (Bravo)--8R4
ET340 (Enticer 340)--8N5
ET340TR (Enticer 340T Long Track)--8R3
SR540 (SRV)--8R6
another slim model year from yamaha, but some good sleds are coming!
BR250 (Bravo 250)--8U0
EC340 (Excell lll) -- 8T7
ET300 (Enticer 300) -- 8T5 (still have this sled, would sell it cheap)
ET340T (Enticer 340 Long Track)--8T9
SR540 (SRV) --8U7 (just sold this one, had it way to long, helluva runner, kinda miss the old girl. bought it used in 86. comfort in knowing it will bring enjoyment to others. man did i do some stuff to that)
VMX540 (Vmax) --8U9 (this was the start of good things to come for yamaha. lots of new and firsts on this mighty powerhouse.)
BR250 (Bravo)--8V7
EC340 (Excel lll)--8W8
ET300 (Enticer 300)--8W6
ET340 (Enticer 340)--8W9
ET340T (Enticer 340 long track)--8X0
PZ480 (Phazer)-8V0 you all know this one, one of the best ever for years to come!
PZ480SE (Phazer SE)-- 8X9. this one came with electric start standard.
SR540 (SRV)--8V9
VMX540 (Vmax 540)--8X6. once drove 2.5 hours in the dark to pick one of these up. wish i still had it.
BR250 (Bravo 250)--80F
BR250T (Bravo 250 Long Track)--8Y1
EC340 (Excell lll)--8Y3
ET340 (Enticer 340)--8Y2
ET340T (Enticer 340T Long Track)--80E
PZ480 (Phazer)-80L
PZ480E (Phazer E Electric Start)--80K
SR540 (SRV)--8Y0
SS440-- 80R
VMX540 (V-Max)--80N
XL540 (XL-V)-8Y7 reintroduced from 1980 with some new graphics and a clutch change, back by popular demand.
BR250 (Bravo 250)--80v
BR250T (Bravo Long Track)--81U
CF300 (Inviter)--81E this was one of the more space aged sleds for its time and is still desireable amongst collectors and restorers. way cool for its time!
EC340 (Excel lll)--80Y
ET340 (Enticer 340)--80X
ET340T (Enticer 340 Long Track)--81A
PZ480 (Phazer)--81H
PZ480E (Phazer Deluxe, Electric Start)--81J. anyone notice that this year having electric start now makes it "Deluxe"? that moniker will stick for a few years to come, not just for the PZ, but more upcoming sleds.
SR540 (SRV)--81G
VMX540 (Vmax)--81K
XL540 (XL-V)--81R
if anyone following along has noticed any patterns developing with the vin codes, please advise. i know there are commonalities, but i havent been able to predict a constant. things only get more confusing in the next few years.
BR250 (Bravo)--82F
BR250T (Bravo Long Track)--82R
CF300 (Inviter)-- 83M
EC340 (Excel lll) 82J
ET340 (Enticer 340)--82H
ET340T9Enticer 340 Long Track)--82U
EX570 (Exciter)--82M the phazer on steroids. this was a hard sled to tune for an introductory year model. the subsequent years had the bugs worked out but if you have an 87, theres plenty of corrective info available.
PZ480 (Phazer)-- 82K
PZ480E (Phazer Electric Start)--82L
SR540 (SRV)--82W. my second srv purchase. never should have let the wife ride the 83 after the motor work. should have kept her on the Excell 340. this began a life long journey towards her power and speed addiction.
VMX540 (Vmax)--83H. wouldnt let her ride this for another year or so. wish i never did.
XL540 (XL-V)--82V
BR250 (Bravo)--83Y
BR250T (Bravo 250 Long Track)--84E
CF300 (Inviter)--83U. anyone ever ride one of these? looks and styling were years beyond. i would have thought yamaha recruited aliens from outer space on this build.
EC340-(Excell lll)--84H. bought a pair of these for dang near nothing from a guy that didnt take well to the cold. great for the kids and fun for the adults. just needed more track.
ET340 (Enticer 340)--83T
ET340T (Enticer Long Track)--84F
ET340LTR (Enticer Long Track + Reverse) --84G this one set precedence for the future as well. reverse? who needs that. wait, i do!
EX570 (Exciter) --84M
EX570E (Exciter Deluxe [E-Start]--84N
PZ480 (Phazer)--84J
PZ480E (Phazer Deluxe [E-Start]--83V
SR540 (SRV)--84L
SV80 (Snoscoot)--85G. fun little machines these were, kid or adult, jet ski on snow
SV80E (Snoscoot w/ E start)--85H
VK540--84R big ole wide and long track tree pulling, moose hauling, ice shanty dragging utility sled. one of the first wide tracks ever among the big 4. set a mark others followed.
XL540 (XL-V)--83W
BR250 (Bravo)--86A
BR250T (Bravo Long Track)--86C
CF300 (Inviter)--86E
CS340 (Ovation)--85L
CS340E (Ovation Deluxe w/ E-Start)--85N
ET340TR (Enticer Long Track/Reverse)--85V
EX570 (Exciter)--86M
EX570E (Exciter Deluxe/E-Start)--86N
PZ480 (Phazer)--86F
PZ480E (Phazer Deluxe E/Start)--86H
SR540 (SRV)--86U
SV80 (Snoscoot)--85X
SV80E (Snoscoot E-Start)--85Y
VK540E (VK540)--86R
XL540 (XL-V)--86K

BR250 (Bravo)--87S
BR250T (Bravo LT)--87T
CF300 (Inviter)--86W
CS340 (Ovation)--87D
CS340E (Ovation w/ E-start)--87E
ET400TR (Enticer w/long track and reverse)--87L
EX570 (Exciter)--87M
EX570E (Exciter LE E-start)--87N
EX570H (Exciter High Altitude)--87X. this was an attempt by yamaha to deliver an altitude specific sled. first and last try, except below.
EX570HE (Exiter LE, E-start)--87Y. same as above, just had the option.
PZ480 (Phazer ll)--87F. same old pz, finally got a 121 track and some minor other alterations.
PZ480E (Phazer ll E-Start)--87H
SR540 (SRV)--87U
SV125 (Snosport)--87A. snoscootwith a big engine for us grownups. yee-haw!
SV125 (Snosport E-Start)--87B
SV80 (Snoscoot)--86X
SV80E (Snoscoot w/ E-start)--86Y
VK540E (VK540)--87R
XL540 (XL-V)--87K
br250t (bravo lt[long track]--88p whered the shorty go?
ex570 (exciter ll)--88r
ex570e (exciter ll le e start)--88s
pz480 (phazer ll)--88f
pz480e (phazer ll le e-start--88h
pz480st (phazer ll long track)--88x possibly the first production sled not utility related that had a long track. of course short track by todays standard. more on that later.
sr540 (srv)--88u
sv125 (snosport)--88a
sz125e (as above, only with the e-start )--88b
vk540e (vk540)--88n
vt480xl (venture xl)--88t
notice the ommission of the snoscoot and the addition of the venture. the venture was heavily based on the pz but this sled upon this years introduction became one of the more popular models in the lineup for years to come.
having an issue with the finger on the left hand as its missing a bit of skin, it will heal, hence the select use of caps on this installment.
and for you nay sayers, i am a born lefty that hunts and picks. try it off handed.
BR250 (Bravo)--89B
BR250T (Bravo Long Track)--89D
CS340E (Ovation LE)--89E forgot the e-start
ET410TR (Enticer II LT)--89X
EX570 (Exciter II)--89J
EX570E (Exciter II LE, E Start)--89K
PZ480 (Phazer II)--89F
PZ480E (Phazer II Electric Start)--89H
PZ480ST (Phazer II ST Long Track)--89G
VT480GT (Venture GT)--89V
VT480XL (Venture XL)--89M
VX750 (Vmax-4)--89A. this was the start of some serious hp and some hardcore butt kicking!
BR250 (Bravo)--8AE
BR250T (Bravo Long Track)--8AF
CS340E (Ovation LE Elect. Start)--8AH
ET410TR (Enticer II LT)--8AJ
EX570 (Exciter II)--8AV
EX570E (Exciter II LE, Elec Start)--8AW
EX570ST (Exciter II, Long Track)--89L
EX570SX (Exciter II SX)--8AY Exciter on roids, the start of better things!
PZ480 (Phazer II)--8AK
PZ480E (Phazer II LE, Elect-Start)--8AL
PZ480ST (Phazer II ST, Long Track)--8AM
VK540E) (VK540 II)--8AU
VT480GT (Venture GT)--8AP
VT480XL (Venture XL)--8AN
VX750 (Vmax-4)--8AX. still kicking butt!
BR250T (Bravo Long Track)--8BD
CS340E (Ovation LE)--8BE
ET410TR (Enticer II Long Track)--8BY
PZ480 (Phazer II)--8BF
PZ480E (Phazer II LE)--8BG
PZ480ST (Phazer II Long Track)--8BH
VK540E (VK540 II)--8AC
VT480XL (Venture XL)--8BK
VX500 (Vmax 500)--8AB
VX500DX (Vmax 500 DX) 8BB
VX500E (Vmax 500 Electric Start)--8BP
VX500ST Vmax 500 ST, Long Track)--8BN
VX600 (Vmax 600)--8CA
VX600DX (Vmax 600 DX)--8CB
VX600 E (Vmax 600 LE)--8CF
VX600ST (Vmax 600 ST, Long Track)--8CC
VX750 (Vmax-4)--8BW
VX750ST (Vmax-4 ST, Long Track)--8BX
the Vmax 500's and 600s were results of the prior years' 93 Exiter SX as well as a culmination of the now proven Vmax-4's. these sleds would set precedence for the next few years.
trying a little change up here. may be easier to read or follow since in theory your searching for the vin code, dont know. this may stand out better. feedback welcome. unfortunately, with some models, now you have to compare the subsequent digits to verify the year.
i mentioned this confusing factor earlier.
8BD--Bravo Long Track starting vin--8BD-008101
8BE--Ovation LE (Electric Start) starting vin--8BE-005101
8BY--Enticer II LT starting vin--8BY-005101
8BF--Phazer II starting vin--8BF-005101
8BG--Phazer II LE starting vin--8BG-007101
8BH--Phazer II Long Track starting vin--8BH-003101
8AC--VK540 II starting vin--8AC-003101
8BK--Venture XL starting vin--8BK-002101
8AB--Vmax500 starting vin--8AB-005101
8CL--Vmax500 DX starting vin--8CL-000101(first year model. pay attention, compare with 94 listings)
8BP--Vmax500 LE starting vin--8BP-004101
8CA--Vmax600 starting vin--8CA-007101
8CG--Vmax600 DX stating vin--8CG-000101
8CF--Vmax600 LE starting vin -8CF-005101
8CC--Vmax600 ST starting vin--004101
8BU--Vmax-4 800
8BT--Vmax-4 Long Track
so this is where it begins the confusion. what you will notice is the first year production models will begin with a 000 after the prefix. after the 000 begins the production number. go back to 94 model list and all those will have a 000. from this point on on some models, the designation letters carried 4 years or more. now you must refer to the subsequent numbering to verify year.
some real confusing years coming up. i will help decipher any vins for the confused.
as an example, if your verifying a Vmax600 ST, your vin would start with 8CC-004XXX. the X's being your actual numbers revealing production count on the line.
8BD-016101--Bravo LT (Long Track)
8BE--008101--Ovation LE
8BF-007101--Phazer II
8BG-009101--Phazer II LE
8BH-006101--Phazer II Mountain Lite
8AC-007101--VK540 II
8CK-000101--Venture TR (new model, hence the code)
8BK-004101--Venture XL
8AB-12101--Vmax 500
8CL-004101--Vmax 500 DX
8BP-009101--Vmax 500 LE
8CM-005101--Vmax 500 XT (new model)
8CA-016101--Vmax 600
8CG-007101--Vmax 600 DX
8CF-015101--Vmax 600 LE
8CC-012101--Vmax 600 Mountain Max
8BV-011101--Vmax 600 XT (new model, inconsistent code)
8BU-003101-- Vmax-4 800
8BT-001101--Vmax-4 Mountain Max
again, multiple models sharing same prefix. compare the last three numbers in the vin for year.
i think i like this layout better with the vins out first, or would you rather the model appear first? comments?
8BD-019179--Bravo Long Track
8BE-009063--Ovation LE
8CS-000455--Mtn Max 600(new model)
8CP-000363--Mtn Max 700(new model)
8BT-001587--Mtn Max 800
8BF-010106--Phazer SS
8BG-013103--Phazer SS E-Start
8BH-009142--Phazer Mtn Lite
8AC-010259--VK540 II
8CK-001608--Venture TR (Long Track/Reverse)
8BK-007110--Venture XL
8CY-000125--Venture 500(new model)
8CW-000829--Venture 600(new model)
8CJ-000051--Vmax 500 XT(new model)
8CU-000437--Vmax 500 XTC(new model)
8DC-000051--Vmax 500 XTC E-Start(new model)
8DD-000153--Vmax 500 XTC w/reverse(new model)
8CV-000653--Vmax 600 SX(new model)
8CR-000135--Vmax 600 XT(new model)
8CX-007341--Vmax 600 XTC(new model)
8DA-000321--Vmax 600 XTC E-Start(new model)
8DB-000385--Vmax 600 XTC w/ reverse(new model)
8CH-000548--Vmax 700 SX(new model)
8BU-005111--Vmax-4 800
for those following along, remember to compare subsequent digits for year confirmation.
also notice that most new models per year will begin with 000 after the prefix code.
just a few more confusing years and it begins to straighten out some. i actually think there was some negative feedback to the factory over the confusing vins.
8BD-022233--Bravo Long Track
8BE-010229--Ovation Elect. Start
8CS-004414--Mountain Max 600
8CP-008075--Mountain Max 700
8DP-000213--Mountain SRX 700(New Model)
8BF-010625--Phazer SS
8BG-013869--Phazer SS Electric
8BH-010968--Phazer Mountain Lite
8DF-000060--SRX 600(New Model)
8DE-000158--SRX 600 w/ Ohlins(New Model)
8DN-000056--SRX 700 (New Model)
8DW-000292--SRX 700 w/ Ohlins (New Model)
8AC-013624--VK540 II
8CK-003469--Venture TR Electric
8CY-002303--Venture 500
8CW-005922--Venture 600
8DM-000723--Venture 700 (New Model)
8CJ-002286--Vmax 500XT
8CU-001825--Vmax 500XTC
8DD-000827--Vmax 500XTC Elect Start
8DT-000137--Vmax 500XTR(Elec/Reverse., New Model)
8DR-000537--Vmax 600 SX
8CV-005691--Vmax 600 SXS(ohlins equipped)
8CR-003584--Vmax 600XT
8CX-008121--Vmax 600XTC
8DB-003052--Vmax 600XTC Deluxe
8DV-000353--Vmax 600XTR(New Model)
8CH-015061--Vmax 700SX
8DU-000111--Vmax 700SXS (Ohlins Package)
8DS-000311--Vmax 700XT
8DH-000613--Vmax 700XTC
8DK-000337--Vmax 700XTC Deluxe
8DL-000153--Vmax 700 XTCP
8BD-026672--Bravo Long Track
8BE-011053--Ovation LE
8CS-006076--Mountain Max 600
8CP-010471--Mountain Max 700
8BH-012938--Phazer Mountain Lite
8DJ-000743--Phazer 500 (New Model)
8DF-002550--SRX 600
8DN-006123--SRX 700
8DW-005927--SRX 700 w/ Ohlins
8AC-017015--VK540 III
8CY-004863--Venture 500
8DX-000721--Venture 500 XL (New Model)
8EB-000567--Venture 600 (New Model)
8DM-004270--Venture 700
8CJ-004494--Vmax 500
8CR-004405--Vmax 600
8DG-000696--Vmax 600 Deluxe
8EA-000121--Vmax 600 SX (New Model-first year with the 600 triple)
8DS-002019--Vmax 700
8DY-000115--Vmax 700 Deluxe
8CH-016110--Vmax 700 SX
BR250 (Bravo)--87S
BR250T (Bravo LT)--87T
CF300 (Inviter)--86W
CS340 (Ovation)--87D
CS340E (Ovation w/ E-start)--87E
ET400TR (Enticer w/long track and reverse)--87L
EX570 (Exciter)--87M
EX570E (Exciter LE E-start)--87N
EX570H (Exciter High Altitude)--87X. this was an attempt by yamaha to deliver an altitude specific sled. first and last try, except below.
EX570HE (Exiter LE, E-start)--87Y. same as above, just had the option.
PZ480 (Phazer ll)--87F. same old pz, finally got a 121 track and some minor other alterations.
PZ480E (Phazer ll E-Start)--87H
SR540 (SRV)--87U
SV125 (Snosport)--87A. snoscootwith a big engine for us grownups. yee-haw!
SV125 (Snosport E-Start)--87B
SV80 (Snoscoot)--86X
SV80E (Snoscoot w/ E-start)--86Y
VK540E (VK540)--87R
XL540 (XL-V)--87K
br250t (bravo lt[long track]--88p whered the shorty go?
ex570 (exciter ll)--88r
ex570e (exciter ll le e start)--88s
pz480 (phazer ll)--88f
pz480e (phazer ll le e-start--88h
pz480st (phazer ll long track)--88x possibly the first production sled not utility related that had a long track. of course short track by todays standard. more on that later.
sr540 (srv)--88u
sv125 (snosport)--88a
sz125e (as above, only with the e-start )--88b
vk540e (vk540)--88n
vt480xl (venture xl)--88t
notice the ommission of the snoscoot and the addition of the venture. the venture was heavily based on the pz but this sled upon this years introduction became one of the more popular models in the lineup for years to come.
having an issue with the finger on the left hand as its missing a bit of skin, it will heal, hence the select use of caps on this installment.
and for you nay sayers, i am a born lefty that hunts and picks. try it off handed.
BR250 (Bravo)--89B
BR250T (Bravo Long Track)--89D
CS340E (Ovation LE)--89E forgot the e-start
ET410TR (Enticer II LT)--89X
EX570 (Exciter II)--89J
EX570E (Exciter II LE, E Start)--89K
PZ480 (Phazer II)--89F
PZ480E (Phazer II Electric Start)--89H
PZ480ST (Phazer II ST Long Track)--89G
VT480GT (Venture GT)--89V
VT480XL (Venture XL)--89M
VX750 (Vmax-4)--89A. this was the start of some serious hp and some hardcore butt kicking!
BR250 (Bravo)--8AE
BR250T (Bravo Long Track)--8AF
CS340E (Ovation LE Elect. Start)--8AH
ET410TR (Enticer II LT)--8AJ
EX570 (Exciter II)--8AV
EX570E (Exciter II LE, Elec Start)--8AW
EX570ST (Exciter II, Long Track)--89L
EX570SX (Exciter II SX)--8AY Exciter on roids, the start of better things!
PZ480 (Phazer II)--8AK
PZ480E (Phazer II LE, Elect-Start)--8AL
PZ480ST (Phazer II ST, Long Track)--8AM
VK540E) (VK540 II)--8AU
VT480GT (Venture GT)--8AP
VT480XL (Venture XL)--8AN
VX750 (Vmax-4)--8AX. still kicking butt!
BR250T (Bravo Long Track)--8BD
CS340E (Ovation LE)--8BE
ET410TR (Enticer II Long Track)--8BY
PZ480 (Phazer II)--8BF
PZ480E (Phazer II LE)--8BG
PZ480ST (Phazer II Long Track)--8BH
VK540E (VK540 II)--8AC
VT480XL (Venture XL)--8BK
VX500 (Vmax 500)--8AB
VX500DX (Vmax 500 DX) 8BB
VX500E (Vmax 500 Electric Start)--8BP
VX500ST Vmax 500 ST, Long Track)--8BN
VX600 (Vmax 600)--8CA
VX600DX (Vmax 600 DX)--8CB
VX600 E (Vmax 600 LE)--8CF
VX600ST (Vmax 600 ST, Long Track)--8CC
VX750 (Vmax-4)--8BW
VX750ST (Vmax-4 ST, Long Track)--8BX
the Vmax 500's and 600s were results of the prior years' 93 Exiter SX as well as a culmination of the now proven Vmax-4's. these sleds would set precedence for the next few years.
trying a little change up here. may be easier to read or follow since in theory your searching for the vin code, dont know. this may stand out better. feedback welcome. unfortunately, with some models, now you have to compare the subsequent digits to verify the year.
i mentioned this confusing factor earlier.
8BD--Bravo Long Track starting vin--8BD-008101
8BE--Ovation LE (Electric Start) starting vin--8BE-005101
8BY--Enticer II LT starting vin--8BY-005101
8BF--Phazer II starting vin--8BF-005101
8BG--Phazer II LE starting vin--8BG-007101
8BH--Phazer II Long Track starting vin--8BH-003101
8AC--VK540 II starting vin--8AC-003101
8BK--Venture XL starting vin--8BK-002101
8AB--Vmax500 starting vin--8AB-005101
8CL--Vmax500 DX starting vin--8CL-000101(first year model. pay attention, compare with 94 listings)
8BP--Vmax500 LE starting vin--8BP-004101
8CA--Vmax600 starting vin--8CA-007101
8CG--Vmax600 DX stating vin--8CG-000101
8CF--Vmax600 LE starting vin -8CF-005101
8CC--Vmax600 ST starting vin--004101
8BU--Vmax-4 800
8BT--Vmax-4 Long Track
so this is where it begins the confusion. what you will notice is the first year production models will begin with a 000 after the prefix. after the 000 begins the production number. go back to 94 model list and all those will have a 000. from this point on on some models, the designation letters carried 4 years or more. now you must refer to the subsequent numbering to verify year.
some real confusing years coming up. i will help decipher any vins for the confused.
as an example, if your verifying a Vmax600 ST, your vin would start with 8CC-004XXX. the X's being your actual numbers revealing production count on the line.
8BD-016101--Bravo LT (Long Track)
8BE--008101--Ovation LE
8BF-007101--Phazer II
8BG-009101--Phazer II LE
8BH-006101--Phazer II Mountain Lite
8AC-007101--VK540 II
8CK-000101--Venture TR (new model, hence the code)
8BK-004101--Venture XL
8AB-12101--Vmax 500
8CL-004101--Vmax 500 DX
8BP-009101--Vmax 500 LE
8CM-005101--Vmax 500 XT (new model)
8CA-016101--Vmax 600
8CG-007101--Vmax 600 DX
8CF-015101--Vmax 600 LE
8CC-012101--Vmax 600 Mountain Max
8BV-011101--Vmax 600 XT (new model, inconsistent code)
8BU-003101-- Vmax-4 800
8BT-001101--Vmax-4 Mountain Max
again, multiple models sharing same prefix. compare the last three numbers in the vin for year.
i think i like this layout better with the vins out first, or would you rather the model appear first? comments?
8BD-019179--Bravo Long Track
8BE-009063--Ovation LE
8CS-000455--Mtn Max 600(new model)
8CP-000363--Mtn Max 700(new model)
8BT-001587--Mtn Max 800
8BF-010106--Phazer SS
8BG-013103--Phazer SS E-Start
8BH-009142--Phazer Mtn Lite
8AC-010259--VK540 II
8CK-001608--Venture TR (Long Track/Reverse)
8BK-007110--Venture XL
8CY-000125--Venture 500(new model)
8CW-000829--Venture 600(new model)
8CJ-000051--Vmax 500 XT(new model)
8CU-000437--Vmax 500 XTC(new model)
8DC-000051--Vmax 500 XTC E-Start(new model)
8DD-000153--Vmax 500 XTC w/reverse(new model)
8CV-000653--Vmax 600 SX(new model)
8CR-000135--Vmax 600 XT(new model)
8CX-007341--Vmax 600 XTC(new model)
8DA-000321--Vmax 600 XTC E-Start(new model)
8DB-000385--Vmax 600 XTC w/ reverse(new model)
8CH-000548--Vmax 700 SX(new model)
8BU-005111--Vmax-4 800
for those following along, remember to compare subsequent digits for year confirmation.
also notice that most new models per year will begin with 000 after the prefix code.
just a few more confusing years and it begins to straighten out some. i actually think there was some negative feedback to the factory over the confusing vins.
8BD-022233--Bravo Long Track
8BE-010229--Ovation Elect. Start
8CS-004414--Mountain Max 600
8CP-008075--Mountain Max 700
8DP-000213--Mountain SRX 700(New Model)
8BF-010625--Phazer SS
8BG-013869--Phazer SS Electric
8BH-010968--Phazer Mountain Lite
8DF-000060--SRX 600(New Model)
8DE-000158--SRX 600 w/ Ohlins(New Model)
8DN-000056--SRX 700 (New Model)
8DW-000292--SRX 700 w/ Ohlins (New Model)
8AC-013624--VK540 II
8CK-003469--Venture TR Electric
8CY-002303--Venture 500
8CW-005922--Venture 600
8DM-000723--Venture 700 (New Model)
8CJ-002286--Vmax 500XT
8CU-001825--Vmax 500XTC
8DD-000827--Vmax 500XTC Elect Start
8DT-000137--Vmax 500XTR(Elec/Reverse., New Model)
8DR-000537--Vmax 600 SX
8CV-005691--Vmax 600 SXS(ohlins equipped)
8CR-003584--Vmax 600XT
8CX-008121--Vmax 600XTC
8DB-003052--Vmax 600XTC Deluxe
8DV-000353--Vmax 600XTR(New Model)
8CH-015061--Vmax 700SX
8DU-000111--Vmax 700SXS (Ohlins Package)
8DS-000311--Vmax 700XT
8DH-000613--Vmax 700XTC
8DK-000337--Vmax 700XTC Deluxe
8DL-000153--Vmax 700 XTCP
8BD-026672--Bravo Long Track
8BE-011053--Ovation LE
8CS-006076--Mountain Max 600
8CP-010471--Mountain Max 700
8BH-012938--Phazer Mountain Lite
8DJ-000743--Phazer 500 (New Model)
8DF-002550--SRX 600
8DN-006123--SRX 700
8DW-005927--SRX 700 w/ Ohlins
8AC-017015--VK540 III
8CY-004863--Venture 500
8DX-000721--Venture 500 XL (New Model)
8EB-000567--Venture 600 (New Model)
8DM-004270--Venture 700
8CJ-004494--Vmax 500
8CR-004405--Vmax 600
8DG-000696--Vmax 600 Deluxe
8EA-000121--Vmax 600 SX (New Model-first year with the 600 triple)
8DS-002019--Vmax 700
8DY-000115--Vmax 700 Deluxe
8CH-016110--Vmax 700 SX
also, any ideas on where to get carb kits for keihin bd 44-38?
thanks again
thanks again