So I was testing my spark plug caps for resistance today.. All at a healthy 5k ohms. One of them had some corrosion on the terminal that threads into the wire. I imagine the same corrosion exists in the wire as well. Any way to change these without changing the coil?
New member
can u nip a little off the wire. Should b clean back just a bit, then the hole will b nice & snug also.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Changed all of my wires & caps last year. Any extra shtuff that was left in the socket was removed w/ a dremmel and a steady hand. Don't even think about ketting close to that stud that the wire screws into. Learned the hard way and had to purchace a new one(coil) after I broke one of the studs off.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Got the 7mm wire from the only motorsports dealer close. Happened to be a CAT dealer but......wire is wire.