head clearance

Stock squish on my 2002 SRX was .061". I don't know for sure what the 98/99s measurements were but I do know it was a little larger then the 2000/01/02s.

measurements are as follows: clutch .067, center .068 and mag .070. The engine response is incredible and holds a solid 8500 from the get go. I'm thinking of a conservative shave...any recommendations? This 600 (w/a 2000srx7 skid) edged by an IQ700 and 700 XTC w/bender pipes.
Thats about where mine were. I wouldn't go any tighter than .055". When i did mine, I had him do each head a different amount to even them all up. Just got to make sure each head stays in that location.
SRXtrafast said:
measurements are as follows: clutch .067, center .068 and mag .070. The engine response is incredible and holds a solid 8500 from the get go. I'm thinking of a conservative shave...any recommendations? This 600 (w/a 2000srx7 skid) edged by an IQ700 and 700 XTC w/bender pipes.

.010" flat cut will be fine.
