Hey guys, i picked up a 98 srx this spring with a tore front heat exchanger. Pulled the sled apart, replaced the xchanger and put it back together. Finished it up about 2 months ago, and she fired right up after 6 or 7 pulls. Went to adjust the powervalves last night and she wouldnt pull over. I checked all electrical connections and nothing seemed loose. Checked spark which was very weak...so i put new plugs in and its the same deal...anyone have this issue?

Look and see if the harness is rubbed thru under the motor.
New member
won't pull over or won't start ??
Remove the plugs, put a little fuel down each plug hole, reinstall plugs and try to start it again...it it still won't fire time to check all connections, kill switch and wiring harness for a rub through.

yeah that is weird.My SRX starts in 1.5 pulls and my 600SXR starts in .5 of a pull.So first thing is to make sure your choke linkage is set up dead on..found that was an issue if not set up right.As for a weak spark..I dunno..I hope it is not your stator.. Strange that 2 months ago it started good and now not.Check to see if mice nibbled at the wires somewhere and grounding is happening.Doesn't make sense.Good luck..but start to make sure all connectors are plugged in,check for frayed wires and maybe your stator finally gave up on you.There is a way to test it,but may not be accurate.If you can borrow one from a same sled and test..maybe you will find the problem..
MrSled said:Look and see if the harness is rubbed thru under the motor.
Re did the wire harness when i had the motor out...so i know its not that.
ottawaair said:won't pull over or won't start ??
Sled has great compression across the board and pulls over like normal, just wont start.
sideshowBob said:Remove the plugs, put a little fuel down each plug hole, reinstall plugs and try to start it again...it it still won't fire time to check all connections, kill switch and wiring harness for a rub through.
Checked all connections, unplugged, cleaned, and re plugged everything...i pulled the plugs and they were saturated with gas so its getting fuel. I have some spark so i dont think its the kill switch...

srxr700 said:Checked all connections, unplugged, cleaned, and re plugged everything...i pulled the plugs and they were saturated with gas so its getting fuel. I have some spark so i dont think its the kill switch...
Weak spark?? Could be the stator going out too.. my bros 98 took a dump like that.
bluemonster1 said:yeah that is weird.My SRX starts in 1.5 pulls and my 600SXR starts in .5 of a pull.So first thing is to make sure your choke linkage is set up dead on..found that was an issue if not set up right.As for a weak spark..I dunno..I hope it is not your stator.. Strange that 2 months ago it started good and now not.Check to see if mice nibbled at the wires somewhere and grounding is happening.Doesn't make sense.Good luck..but start to make sure all connectors are plugged in,check for frayed wires and maybe your stator finally gave up on you.There is a way to test it,but may not be accurate.If you can borrow one from a same sled and test..maybe you will find the problem..
Choke is dead on, i enclosed the wiring harness in electrical slip conduit so there is no way that mice got to it. The other wiring was good as well from what i could see. Ill have to swap out the stator...Im pulling the motor from my 01 right now, but if i remember correctly they are different stators..
Leaves the CDI or Stator... Someone had a similar problem. Turned out the timing was way off. Mark the top of the primary when cylinder 1 is at tdc. Have someone pull it over with a timing light attached. Make sure the spark is firing at the right time.
snopax said:Leaves the CDI or Stator... Someone had a similar problem. Turned out the timing was way off. Mark the top of the primary when cylinder 1 is at tdc. Have someone pull it over with a timing light attached. Make sure the spark is firing at the right time.
Could be timing. I wouldnt think the timing would go out of sync just sitting in my garage but im also not a motor genius so i could be wrong.....either way its easy and worth checking into.
Well, I got her fired up last night, at first it was only running on the middle cylinder...so i pulled the plugs and pulled it over to check spark. All three plugs sparked like they should. Reinstalled, and pulled it over and it fired up on all three cylinders...not really sure what the deal was but seems to be running normal...

srxr700 said:Well, I got her fired up last night, at first it was only running on the middle cylinder...so i pulled the plugs and pulled it over to check spark. All three plugs sparked like they should. Reinstalled, and pulled it over and it fired up on all three cylinders...not really sure what the deal was but seems to be running normal...
I have seen them not pull a good prime on the fuel and only run on one.... strange but it happens. Nice to see its fixed.