New member
Hi, I am new to this forum. figured i would post up some pics and my some ideas, maybe ya'll can help out. my thoughts r 2 put a hauck snake bite kit on, for the tripple pipes, clutching, jetting, and head gasket. i kno i am going to want to put on a rear heat exchanger but am hoping to find a used one. also thinking of either doing a 4 or 6 inch bar riser and some hand guards. also going to put a white skid pan on, white loops, im currently painting my screens white, and white hand guards. feel free to chime in, all advice and help is muchly appreciated. Thanks, Pat

New member
Also meant to say, it has 6000 miles on it, dual carbides, and a practically new M10

Super Moderator
Very nice! Just did a project sled for the daughter and the white skid plate was a tough find. Look up a member NickyTech, he is a advisor and has a parts place. He got me my white holeshot skid plate. For the loops yamaha does not make them but the ski doo pilot ski loops come in white and work with the stock ski's. Here is the link with some pic's on how the skid plate and loops turn out! http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/showthread.php?t=80244&page=24&pp=10
You sled looks great and i love that M10. Do a search on the vipers and tons of reading. Yo will want to clean the carbs, powervalves, go through clutch's ect...... Lots of info in my post on all this too. Welcome!!! Chris
You sled looks great and i love that M10. Do a search on the vipers and tons of reading. Yo will want to clean the carbs, powervalves, go through clutch's ect...... Lots of info in my post on all this too. Welcome!!! Chris

welcome to the site. sled looks really clean. Where in maine?
Welocome aboard! there is tons of info on this sled and you CAN save ALOT of your hard earned $$$ if you read the tech section. Good Luck with your new project.04yamaha2008 said:Hi, I am new to this forum. figured i would post up some pics and my some ideas, maybe ya'll can help out. my thoughts r 2 put a hauck snake bite kit on, for the tripple pipes, clutching, jetting, and head gasket. i kno i am going to want to put on a rear heat exchanger but am hoping to find a used one. also thinking of either doing a 4 or 6 inch bar riser and some hand guards. also going to put a white skid pan on, white loops, im currently painting my screens white, and white hand guards. feel free to chime in, all advice and help is muchly appreciated. Thanks, Pat
Pat, how much did you pay?
New member
freeport and kennebunk, but go ridin up in greenville. cant beat moosehead. thanks super1c, i read thru ur build for ur daughter. that is a sweet lookin sled. i wish i had a sled that sweet as a kid. lava, sorry i dont kiss and tell. do u think i can build a better performance package on my own and save money as well? will srx stock tripple pipes fit by any chance?

yes on you can build a better performance package yourself. also yes on the srx pipes but it's not as simple as bolting them in. you haveto fab your own manifolds as well as some modifacations to the sled to get them to fit. do a search here on it there's plenty of info on it.
New member

I have owned my 02 viper for only a year. and have just removed a set of Bender tripple pipes from my 02. I dont want to open a can of worms, but from the information that I have found, the triple pipes are very hard on the engine. and will cut your fuel milage in half. wich I have found out in just a year. dont want to have to rebuild the engine. so its up to you. nice sled too.
Most guys add triple pipes to gain power and most pretty much know that fuel economy will suffer. A sled with a single pipe is a GREAT trail cruser.sledmix said:I have owned my 02 viper for only a year. and have just removed a set of Bender tripple pipes from my 02. I dont want to open a can of worms, but from the information that I have found, the triple pipes are very hard on the engine. and will cut your fuel milage in half. wich I have found out in just a year. dont want to have to rebuild the engine. so its up to you. nice sled too.
very clean sled, if you plan on racing/ditch riding that sled, i'd scrap that m-10. it doesn't transfer well but is the cats meow for a trail cruiser
snoprokidf6 said:very clean sled, if you plan on racing/ditch riding that sled, i'd scrap that m-10. it doesn't transfer well but is the cats meow for a trail cruiser
For drag racing I'd agree. As for ditch banging; IMO you'd be hard pressed to find something better (well, maybe an xtra10).