ss440 carb question


New member
Feb 5, 2011
UP of Michigan
I am in the process of rebuilding my ss440 and am throughly going through everything as it sat for a few years in a barn. As I took the carb out I noticed a switch on it that was not hooked up. The switch is pressed when the throttle is fully closed but on my sled it was by passed and the two wires that were supposed to go to the switch were connected together. Just for a visual I attached an exploded view of the carb and the switch I am talking about it number 26. So my question is what is this switch for and should I leave it bypassed or should I hook it up when I put it back together?

Thanks for any help!


  • ss440 carb.jpg
    ss440 carb.jpg
    61.8 KB · Views: 7
look like a TORS or throttle over-ride switch. safety feature that won't let the sled rev up if you get a stuck throttle cable. dont know if they had em back then but worth a look
well I thought about that but there is no sensor on the throttle lever that I can think of. (I will confirm this in the daylight tomorrow morning) So what would the switch on the carb reference to?
it must be some form of TORS though because nothing else makes any sense.
I forgot to post the other day but there is a wire coming out of the throttle/start-stop button assembly that is the same color as the wire going to the button on the carb so it must be some safety device.
what year is the machine is 1985 it is a tors sensor as 84 and older did not have them ......................leave it unplugged or you will have issues make sure that the 2 wires from the harness are plugged into each other
