I think my engine mounts are shot. they look fine, but I get the alignment spot on and one run later it's out of wack. what options are there beside stock? don't really want to go full solid but maybe a stiffer rubber or polyurethane.
I though I heard somewhere on here that there are different (stiffer) motor mounts offered by -I don't know-, again but I thought I heard/read something a few years back... If they are no longer offered maybe need to find someone who can "create" some, or maybe try to get in touch with someone in the automotive aftermarket. 

I know Hauck and whal brothers offer stiffer mounts
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jeff, i have used OEM ones to sell for a replacement.

I'll get back to you on that josh. might try those stiffer ones from wahls. the hauck link says solid aluminum not what I want there. haven't made up my mind just yet
I read somewhere that you can use hockey pucks don't know forsure though
I have on many sleds had to do some, adjustment with the die grinder to get a true on the money alignment. Usually it has to do with the stock srx style mount and its holes. Sometimes I can squeek it by using a different bolt that has no threads all the way up, that can give you a millimeter either way.