After taking air intake and carbs off to clean them, put everything back together and now my gas guage reads empty when there is half a tank of fuel. How do I go about troubleshooting the issue?
I was hoping for a response to your post as I have the same problem with my gas guage.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Keep mind I am only guessing. I have had the carbs of my 00 srx a few times and as I remember they were several sets of wire that have to be unplugged and some in the vacinity that did not have to be. Is it possible something didnt get plugged back in? or plugged in wrong? Should be able to look inside tank with flash light and see sending unit, Follow corresponding wires looking for unplugg or damaged wires.
Check the plug for the sensor. just follow the wire and you will see it.
start there, ive had that before ended up changing the sending unit on the tank cause i had one and it worked. other than that i would guess wires, possibly the guage itself.