seems like i can remember people saying you can use a venture swaybar or something like that as an upgrade, are they stiffer or something to give a little better cornering or what??? havnt been able to find it in any searches. thanks for any advice.
Venture bar is a little stiffer. This will give you flatter cornering
is it worth the hassle to tear apart the sled to install, ideally i'd rather run some stiffer springs to achieve the same goal. however i do find myself riding more aggressive than others
I've found that revalving the shocks and setting the skid for your weight ie: limiter strap and front and rear skid spring settings along with agressive Snowtrackers make the Viper corner very well without sacraficing ride quality.
I did the Venture sway bar swap last year. Seemed to ride more level in the turns. Only really entails drilling out the three rivets that hold the plates in place, and swapping/replacing the nylon bushings that go around the bar and re-riveting.
is it a big difference? or one of those where its hardly noticeable. i agree on revalving shocks and such(world of difference), just wonderin about the swaybar. i also ride more aggressive than most, and most of my riding is on hard pack high speed cornering and such, alot of high speed mogul poundin but i usually do pretty good about pickin spots that are not off camber (not that it matters much when you carry the skis over em) so i like to keep it flat. thought that might be somethin i could pick up used sometime and probably not very expensive so if it helps why not. thanks guys