Anybody got pics of a 98 SRX with a dual headlight?


New member
Feb 10, 2008
I want to see what my 98 Would look like with a dual headlight pod, but can't find any pics of a remotely stock appearing 98 with factory decals and a dual headlight...Anybody got any pics of one they could post up? Trying to determine whether or not to keep this SRX and put a dual pod on it, or sell it to pursue a 01 or 02....Thanks.
i have a 99 srx & my son has a 98 both have dualheadlights & looks sweet.go to the works foum & look for mymoneypit & going w/ the dual head better lighting in front of will have too run two 35w-35w bulbs.
what is required to do the swap? im assuming the headlight ,gage pod, wiring harness? what am i missing??

i think i read something about swapping the stator too. i know the 2000 and newer models have a higher output, but i don't think it was a bolt on deal. but i could be wrong....
phatkid said:
what is required to do the swap? im assuming the headlight ,gage pod, wiring harness? what am i missing??

Stator and flywheel both will need to be swapped and the pick up coil mount will need to be drilled and tapped for the new location as the new flywheel is a different diameter.I was all set to buy the parts to do this same thing but money got a bit tight so I guess I'll suffer through another winter with the single headlight.
ALL YOU NEED IS THE HEADLIGHT +GAGE POD+WINDSHIELD & 2 YES 2 35W-35W BULBS.some one said that the yamaha grizzly i think has them.splice in another light sockit to the oem light wires & you R DONE! THAT EASY.about 45 min of work & on the SNOW. :yam: like :bling:
