what easy way to drain coolant out viper to take head off

There is a bolt right below the exhaust. Unscrew it & drain a little at a time. Take your time and you may not make a mess. Do a search on "draining coolant in viper" or something along those lines. Plenty of info.
I shove a small hose down the coolant hose as far as it will go and then siphon the coolant out.This will drop it low enough to remove heads..a wet vac could also do the trick with an adapter for a small hose.
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what fillter are u usen shop vac right on the filler bottle help tryin to get this head off and back on easiest way thanks
run the shop vac in the wet mode, no filter. helps if its semi clean before adding liquid. after you suck the coolant out, strain it through any filter you have available. sock, screen, pantyhose, etc. then simply funnel it into a gallon jug and reserve for future usage.
