just bought srx for 300 dollars...

88 yamaha 570

New member
Jan 3, 2010
Bridgeport, NY
hey everyone, i just bought a 2000 srx off my friend for 300 dollars, might need a new cylinder because its scored, and has no title, its not stolen and i know it has not been reported stolen, is there a way to file for a new title? or is there an easier way by like buying a tunnel and papers for sleds? i know you can do it with dashboards with a car but not sure how to do it with a sled.thanks everyone
Does your buddy legally own the sled or did he acquire it some how?
If he owns it outright there should be no problem on your end getting it legalized in your name, as he will write you a "bill of sale" and sign his name to it...
oh so i don't need a regy? the kid i bought it off of got it from his cousin, was either registered in new york or in a dif state, does it matter? i can have him sign a paper mail it to me and ill sign with the guy i bought it off of. i got the sled today, allot more wrong than i thought, heres some pics... anyone know how much a new motor will run? i dont know if this ones savable, been sitting 3 years with no jugs on it
i ended up getting this and a running arctic cat zr600 with no cowl or papers for 400 total after talking to him about how bad this sled is, i might be in for allot but it makes for a nice sled project for next year or even this year if the arctic cat parts sell fast enough

this is how i found it... but i pulled it out a bit for the pic

this is what we did to get it out from under the stairs even after moving the car with no suspension lol

almost out...

and finally after 45 minutes in the rain it cleaned up to this lol
what do you guys think? ill get more pics with my camera instead of my phone tomorrow, ill get better pics of the motor and stuff, suspension really good doesn't even sag so i think all i need is a motor, registration, and a track, its got a beat up studded one on it now but id like to change it before i ride. so i have 200 into it so far, you think it will be worth rebuilding the engine? or just buy a new motor? and how good a deal do you think i got??
Thats a 1999 srx, still a great buy. By the looks of it, I would pull the whole engine out and go thru it and then you know what you have and can ride it with peice of mind reliability wise, with it being apart and uncovered who knows what all grime,dirt,etc is in there.
That has to be the dustiest sled I have seen lol. It cleaned up pretty good in the rain though. That's a good buy for the money though.
ok ya its been inside so no garbage in the base, the one jug that's still on the sled is supposed to be the only bad one, said its scored pretty bad, other two are fine, the one head has some dings but still usable, im just worried about the base being good, you think just dust and surface rust on rods can be cleaned up? ill replace seals and stuff inside, but just need some opinions, can anyone on here do jugs? i would love to have them done real nice, not like the local 5 dollar a jug hone out here lol, ill be pulling the motor soon but i think i need a clutch puller, does anyone have one i can borrow? ill pull the motor and crack it and see what it looks like with pics
ok im pulling the carbs while im on lunch... the sled is from colorado, can i still get a signature from owner, a witness, and myself and register it at new york state dmv?
88 yamaha 570 said:
how long does it usually take? does anyone know?
If all your paper work is in order it should be a wham bam thank you mam kinda thing. Right??
Netefrog said:
If all your paper work is in order it should be a wham bam thank you mam kinda thing. Right??
well there's no title... i need a receipt from previous owner who had it registered out of state in 2002, a signature from a witness, and my signature, im not sure how long it will take cause there's no papers as of yet
