enticer suspension

ok. i will tell you how i do it.

- make shure the adjusters are backed right off before starting
-put the skid into the track with the torsion springs off of the slider blocks
-bolt in the front shaft
-bolt in the rear shaft
-take a prybar or crowbar and pry the springs up onto the blocks
-tighten the saftey tab if equipped
-tension the track as per spec or your preference
-tighten rear axle nut to finish the job

usually takes me 30-40 min to do if i do not have any trouble with bad threads in the shafts. i usually use a block of wood under the rear bumper to support the sled or a ratchet strap off of the ceiling if inside. best height is 3-4" off of the ground with the suspension in but it can be muscled in if higher.
maybe some pics of suspension would help . i just finished and something must be wrong the suspension is on the rubber stops in the rear and wont move . maybe it has something to do with the rear springs
