recommendations on replacement pistons/cylinder?


New member
Jul 29, 2011
So im rebuilding a srx 700 2 stroke and will need at least one replacemnt piston, so im thinking i might as well just replace all three since the other two are beyond the manufacturer wear limits anyway. I've seen a lot of price variation in 69 mm cylinder options for the 700 and was wondering if anyone had a good recommendation. also i have a cylinder that has vertical score marks (center cylinder) from th failed center piston. ive been told i can deglaze and use the cylinder but i'm not confident with it. wondering if anyone has run into this before..

youll be hard pressed to find a better quality piston then the stock yamaha unit, its a powder forged piston and unlike a wiseco forged piston does not grow from heat expansion rapidly(cold seize), so it can be used with less skirt to wall clearance resulting in a better ring seal and much more stabil piston in the bore. Sure, you can save money by buying the aftermarket ones out there but you get what you pay for!

As for the cylinder, you can lightly hone the cylinder to remove slight scratchs, however if you can feel them with your fingernail, your not going to hone them out. The nicasil is very hard and not all that thick so keep that in mind. If the marks are bad youll need to either weld up the gouges and have cylinder rebored and replated or get a new or used cylinder to replace it with.
