02 Viper bog problem help!


New member
Oct 21, 2011
bloomingdale, Il
I have a problem with my 2002 sxviper that I'm having trouble figuring out. Heres whats goin on.. she starts up fine, idles at about 1800rpm.. It revs up fine when i give it some throttle but as soon as i let off and then go to give it more throttle it will bog and backfire. if i let it get back to idle RPM i can rev it back up.. I have cleaned the carbs, checked the reeds, new plugs and caps, tried unplugging the carb sensors.. Maybe i have a short somewhere?? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!!
By carb sensors are talking about the torrs or tps? If torrs make sure you plug themed into eachother or it will do ya no good. It sounds like a torrs problem and most of the time its your throttle slack thats off. You need 2mm slack at the throttle lever. Do a search on torrs, ton of adjustment info. If you doing that correct and your slack is right maybe carb synch or floats off. Also could still be a plugged pilot jet. Has happened to me after cleaning carbs. Let us know how ya make out and post as much info as ya can.
I did plug the tors wires into each other and my throttle slack is good too. I've taken the carbs apart twice and checked everything made sure nothing was clogged. I'll take them apart again and check them maybe the 3rd time will do it. what is the carb synch and what do you mean by floats being off?
Check the pilots again, you may have to get new ones.. also look at the holes or air jets around the bell on the carb on the intake side..Also I have seen a broken motor mount cause all kinds of grief with a Viper I was working on.
i have this same exact issue on my viper. loosen the throttle cable a tad, cures the problem. oh and make sure it's good and warm before riding/ excessive throttle use, it likes the pipe good and hot
I guess it was a problem with tors. I loosened the throttle cable as much as i could and the problem went away. Thought it was loose enough but i guess not. Thanks for the help guys!!!
