Cylinder wear


New member
Jul 29, 2011
So I'm rebuilding a 99 SRX and had the center cylinder blowout. It was pretty scratched up so i took a hone to it until i was about .001" under the cylinder wear limit (2.72" ID), and i still have score marks. the marks appear worse at the top of the stroke and near the ports.Some of these scrathes you can feel with a fingertip. So My questionis,: Is this thing good to use as shown? I'm getting a new top end set, and thought i may just chuck this and get a used cylinder and not have to worry about it.
OK Thanks, i didn't even know that was an option to exchange it. i could get a used cylinder for around $200, so i will probably do that. How does the exchange thing work? i.e. I send them a damaged cylinder and they provide a remanuf unit. Then then remanuf my unit and sell it?
The exchange process works exactly as you described it. The cylinder suppliers will only accept stock cylinders for the exchange. If you have a ported cylinder, they will not accept it for exchange but will rework it for you.
ok good advice. hopefully have this rebuilt by christmas, now to find a puller for the CDI..
