SRX question


New member
Nov 16, 2010
Im sure this will stir up some heated discussion but is there a "best " year for the SRX
Considering adding one and Im wondering if there is a better year or one to avoid.
Avoid 1998 if you can, it was the first year of production and had a crank recall put into effect. According to some shootout, 2001 had the quickest 1/4 mile time.

2002 had the DCS system put into effect, many swear by it, many swear at it! It has good intent but I have heard it can be finicky when at WOT.
01 is the best without DCS and 02 is the best (and only) with DCS! Just a preference as to whether or not you want the DCS I guess.
I have the 98 but have been told by others the 01 was the fastest yr.but u know what ,they are all fast sleds. I think these srx's are truly the greatest 2 stroke triples to eve hit the snow ,and regardless of the yr 98 or the 02 they kick the competitions *** even to date, they are the devil in a blue dress.
I second that about the 98 srx I owned one and it was a quick sled but I also had the notorious crankshaft issue, after that was fixed though I had no problems! Now im a proud owner of a 2002 and absolutely love it!
oo to 02 are all prety equal, but if you stay to the 01 and 02 it has seperate controls for hand and thumb warmers. 02 had the dcs to warn you of detonation problems, not nececary but nice to have. definetely the pre orders that came with ohlins made a big difference. choice between 01 and 02 would come down to if ur a person that likes or hates the dcs systems, depending on what your doing with the sled, some run jetting and such right on the ragged edge anyways so the light is going off all the time, if thats the case then its kinda pointless to have. reguardless what year, a viper rear shocks are a good investment.
In my 02 SRX I run stock jetting and good Premium fuel and my DCS stays off.So DCS is not a pain even on wot 1 mile or 2 pulls.But nice to have it just in case... ;)!
bluemonster1 said:
In my 02 SRX I run stock jetting and good Premium fuel and my DCS stays off.So DCS is not a pain even on wot 1 mile or 2 pulls.But nice to have it just in case... ;)!

You hold your sled at wot for 1 - 2 miles? Man oh man!
no dcs..Few years back on a April 10 day it was like 7 C outside and went to the River to do WOT runs in an area that is the straightest..a mile or more long.Did 7 straight WOT runs in a row...mostly ice at that time,not much snow..yet never overheated.Was registering 118 mph on the speedo every single time..DCS stayed off as well.
I think all the srx are good just that the 98-99 have the bic lighter headlight and it seems as if the sled can out run the light at

2000- good sled, single hand/thumb warmer like 98-99 have and burn the crap out of your thumbs. Headlight is AWESOME! upgrades to ign.system and better head set up, porting is only barely differnt.

2001- dual hand and thumb rheostats, all the same stuff as a 2000 as far as engine.

2002- same sled but yamaha equipped it with dcs, dcs is good but it wont keep you from blowing it up if your running hard. It can act up with aggressive clutching and jetting/octane for gas is upmost important.
DCS is still a nice feature. same sled as far as engine,suspension etc from 2000 year.

they all change colors and stuff thru the years,graphics change but pretty much same sled, really you cant go wrong.
I did my home work and decided I needed a 00-02 due to mentioned crank and headlight problems. Found a 00 with 2000 miles that was about a mint as any one could find and had already had pioneer long travel kit under it. I LOVE IT! I am always watching for others for sale. For me personally to buy a 98-99 it would have to be a smoking deal or I would have to know for fact crank had ben re-worked. Poor lighting I could deal with, bad crank....Ill pass!
Devilin AblueDress! said:
I did my home work and decided I needed a 00-02 due to mentioned crank and headlight problems. Found a 00 with 2000 miles that was about a mint as any one could find and had already had pioneer long travel kit under it. I LOVE IT! I am always watching for others for sale. For me personally to buy a 98-99 it would have to be a smoking deal or I would have to know for fact crank had ben re-worked. Poor lighting I could deal with, bad crank....Ill pass!

That crank issue is old news though. 14 years later and to have the crank untouched or without problems would be pretty slim!!
