Anybody have a photo of a stock Viper oil cable pic? I need a shot of it under the rubber sleave that you move away to adjust the gap. I have seen the parts diagrams and sketches of them but I was measuring mine today and noticed it looked like it might be an aftermarket cable. I searched the forums here and google... but the only shots I found are of an aftermarket or a cable with the rubber over the adjustment point. Appreciate it if you have one! 

I don't have my sled available to take a picture, but here is a link to a cable for sale on eBay. It shows a little of the adjuster nuts in the middle of the cable.
Viper Oil Cable on eBay
Viper Oil Cable on eBay
Thanks for the pic. I figured this was an easier way by posting a shot of mine. Here is one with the cable pulled apart to measure gap and another sitting together. Looking at online diagrams, I thought the stock cable had another piece that looked like a nut on it. My other Viper isn't nearby to compare the two. I'm ok with it if it is aftermarket but just wondered if measuring the gap is the same spec as with a stock cable if it is not stock. Not sure why it would have an aftermarket on it as it ha stock risers etc so don't see a need for anybody adding an aftermarket extension etc. Anyway....let me know if this looks different than your stock cables. Thanks!
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The cable only needs one lock nut. The sleave itself is threaded and that is how to adjust. So just that one nut to loosen then turn the big sleave nut to make adjustments.
Here is a thread of a question I had on the very same thing. Mine turned out to be an aftermarket cable. I had the gap at 13mm and couldn't get it any more where the stock specs called for 19-20mm. I replaced my cable with a used OEM one from eBay and then I was able to get it set within the suggested specs.
Here is a thread of a question I had on the very same thing. Mine turned out to be an aftermarket cable. I had the gap at 13mm and couldn't get it any more where the stock specs called for 19-20mm. I replaced my cable with a used OEM one from eBay and then I was able to get it set within the suggested specs.
VIP Member
Looks stock to me, is the cable extra long?
dcfjef, I had seen your post and photo which led me to believe mine might be aftermarket. Mine looks the same as yours in your shot although I have plenty of thread left for more adjustment. I know one nut is all that's needed but just wasn't sure if mine is a stock cable.....since I don't have one in front of me to compare it to. It doesn't seem too long. Looking at the Ebay photo and as mentioned in your cable post, it looks as if OEM cables in the diagrams and bad pic's I've seen, have what looks like a second locknut but it is actually part of the cable sheathe end.
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One more shot with the rubber over the adjustment pieces. And another pic of the where the cable comes together with the throttle cable going up to the bars. Its an 04 Viper ER...not sure if the cables ever changed vs earlier years. The OEM cable on ebay lookes like the rubber cover you separate to get to the adjusters was in two pieces to pull apart from each cable is one rubber piece covering the adjuster that you just roll back. I moved the cables where the throttle and oil go together over onto the airbox just for the photo but I did notice that the cables go down near the riser but are not routed throughthe little d-ring type thing that I believe they are supposed to go down through with some other cables...which leads me to believe they may have been changed or messed with at some time.
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must be aftermarket because its different from the one on my as far as i know mine is stock..
VIP Lifetime Member
the pic of the cable is differnt because its a 04 cable, and the throttle and oil cable are 1 unit, unlike the earlier vipers from 02-03 that have a seperate oil cable and throttle cable.