my runnins boards are starting to bend probably from me being 250 dressed and riding pretty hard. can any body shoot me in the right direction to beef these things up before i break my heat exchangers
Active member
Find some steel pencil rod and insert it into the round part of the boards.That should help.
New member
Rox Sled Treads, if u can find a set. one of the best upgrades if u ride aggressive. IMO.
Had good luck with the fishbone braces.
Cheapest fix is to drive 5/8" steel rod in from the back. You can get it at Home Depot or your favorite hardware store. You just have to drive it right through a rivet or 2 at the back and then all the way until it recesses maybe a half inch. The other options suggested are good too.
x2 i have done this to a couple of my sleds, makes a hell of a difference. right down the rolled edge of the boards. been a while but 5/8 sounds kinda big, thought it was a little smaller than that but i used a stainless rod, didnt even have to rivet the ends, tight fit, i really had to drive it in there for the second half of the distance. i dont think its going anywhere, rode em a few years and they never started to come out or anything. sometimes you can run accross the braces also like what came stock on some of the 04 s models
the treads help also, i got lucky and found on ebay someone who had cutt of their boards on a nytro. i got em for 10 bucks and cut em to fit on my boards, but you dont find that happening everyday. lol was good for me i guess, have a feeling they regreted it though.
the treads help also, i got lucky and found on ebay someone who had cutt of their boards on a nytro. i got em for 10 bucks and cut em to fit on my boards, but you dont find that happening everyday. lol was good for me i guess, have a feeling they regreted it though.