Nytro skid is in!!!


New member
Mar 6, 2011
Finally got the Nytro skid bolted up. Kinda had to play with the positioning to get it to sit right but I think I got it. I did use the measurements off the Nytro for distance from the drive shaft but the distance from the top of the tunnel are useless. I first bolted up the front right in line with the drivers but this started to compress the front shock when trying to bolt up the rear....so I unbolted the front, bolted up the rear and let it sit. Where the front sat loose looked like a good angle on the track while putting the bumpers up close to the track. I noticed others have used drop bracket for the rear but I found that would sit too high so I bolted up about an inch behind the stock mount. Seems to sit really nice but only time will tell when I can ride it a bit.

Don't really have a lot of room in there to shoot pics....gonna take some more this week and maybe even do a template for others to use as I know a few people are contemplating this. It's got a decent rake compared to stock but I don't think it's too much.

Something along those lines will probably be on the wish list for next spring for my SRX.

I did happen to notice it is sitting on the same exact trailer I have....(though my rims have circles instead of triangles :rofl: )

How do you go about loading your sled? just use snowbanks or have you come up with a ramp system? Looking to make a loading ramp for it and an engineer I am not. It was a steal at the time from a friend who bought it to move one afternoon and hasn't used it since.....right now I have used snowbanks or hills....but a nice little ramp would be one less thing to have to worry about.

I've never used it in the winter yet but I've loaded it just by tipping the trailer up so the skis grab the end and just drive her up...once you get the track to the trailer you can level the trailer out and drive the rest on. Not scientific at all but the trailer was less than $300 new. I'll probably look at doing some sort of ramp that slide in underneath.
Nice job, very interested in this post since I have been thinking of this myself. Pretty sure alot of others are also. Keep us updated when u get a chance to see some trails, let us know if ski pressure and transfer and such works with thinks in the locations they are in. Good luck
