The previous owner of my 2002 Viper extended the skid to a 144" by putting extensions on the existing rails. Then replaced the stock drivers with 8T anti-ratchet drivers so a 2 inch paddle track would fit. I am now replacing the worn out 2" track with a 1.25" Ripsaw. I want to go back to 9T drivers.
Will Wahl 9T anti-ratchet drivers fit without hitting the front of the rails in the suspension? i would hate to have to modify the suspension rails just to get the 9T drivers to fit.
Also how hard is it to get the old drivers off the shaft and press the new ones on? I do not have a hydraulic press.
Thanks in advance for any info.
Will Wahl 9T anti-ratchet drivers fit without hitting the front of the rails in the suspension? i would hate to have to modify the suspension rails just to get the 9T drivers to fit.
Also how hard is it to get the old drivers off the shaft and press the new ones on? I do not have a hydraulic press.
Thanks in advance for any info.
they should fit... don't quote me on that. you will want access to a press, makes life 1000x easier. i've seen it done with and old car jack and a few tow straps though.
New member
I'm fairly certain you'll have to take a little off the tip of the teeth with a lathe or something like that.You will need a press for your drivers, it shouldn't be that hard to find a shop to help you out with that.
Active member
I installed the kimpex 9 t on my sled .It invoved removing the 2 outers and sliding the n\slip drivers against the origanal center ones.
And yes the tips of the drivers had to have around 1\4 inch removed on a lath as they hit the cross shaft. They also had to be timed properly doing it this way as i recall looking for the right placment order.But you could remove them if wanted as they are not realy needed.
And yes the tips of the drivers had to have around 1\4 inch removed on a lath as they hit the cross shaft. They also had to be timed properly doing it this way as i recall looking for the right placment order.But you could remove them if wanted as they are not realy needed.
Havent done it myself but I think u are suppost to remove the plastic tips on your rails and use the antistab wheel kits. But I have heard of people taking some off of the driver nubs so they don't stick out as far. And yes, you will want a press for installing them, its not hard though.
Just went and got my sled from storage. After taking a quick look at the suspension, it appears that I will have ample amount of room before the rail tips. However, I currently have 8T anti-ratchet drivers on there and there is only 1/8in clearance between the teeth on the 8T anti-ratchet driver and my pivot arm. Wouldn't the diameter of the 9T driver be more than 1/4in larger than the 8T drivers? I can't get a precise measurement of the diameter of the 8T while it is on the sled.
New member
I would b surprised if 9 tooth antiratchets will fit. seeme like they would b too big.
i think it has been posted before but i had to trim the 9 tooth whal drivers i put in my war last season. guy that was helping my brother do it did not belive untill they test fit it with the suspension in place and they hit the rail tips. he was a former yamaha tec too.
on the short track sleds you have to turn the drivers down on a lathe for fitment when using the extroverts. no way around it.
big question is how much to take off. you need to to some measuring before committing. theres a few things to consider. if you take 1/8" of the tips, you have effectively reduced the driver diameter by 1/4". if the drive lugs are encroaching the front of the skid near or more than 1/4", your going to end up reducing the drive by 1/2". most the antiratchets only have around 3/4" of lug for the drive, so if you cut half of that off, whats the point of running them? when your done making them fit, the essence of the design is gone.
$85+ per driver on the anti-ratchets, half that for the track drives if you go new. you can run four oems for the price of one extrovert and be ahead of the game especially if you go with good used. kimpex makes a window driver that will need to be turned down for clearance at a fraction of the cost. you run these in addition to the oem drivers, they wont stand alone.
money ahead in my opinion.
big question is how much to take off. you need to to some measuring before committing. theres a few things to consider. if you take 1/8" of the tips, you have effectively reduced the driver diameter by 1/4". if the drive lugs are encroaching the front of the skid near or more than 1/4", your going to end up reducing the drive by 1/2". most the antiratchets only have around 3/4" of lug for the drive, so if you cut half of that off, whats the point of running them? when your done making them fit, the essence of the design is gone.
$85+ per driver on the anti-ratchets, half that for the track drives if you go new. you can run four oems for the price of one extrovert and be ahead of the game especially if you go with good used. kimpex makes a window driver that will need to be turned down for clearance at a fraction of the cost. you run these in addition to the oem drivers, they wont stand alone.
money ahead in my opinion.