conventional to synthetic ?

I am by no means an expert on this but I think most people break in engines with conventional oil then switch to synthetic after break in. I believe this is due to synthetic not allowing the rings to set in. I think you would be fine to switch over since it sounds like it's already broken in. Hopefully someone who's up on this will post.
You may have to re-adjust your oil cable after switching to Synthetic. Something about the oil molecules being smaller in the Syn. stuff and flows too fast. May have to "lengthen" your oil cable a bit.
Talking to the Yamaha dealership I was told that you can even break-in with synthetic. He told me to not even lube the cylinders for break-in since yamaha tech sent out a bulletin on this. For what it's worth
great question here............ i planned on changing to synthetic this year; the engines whole life of 3,200 miles has been conventional thus far.

there are a bunch of "oil" guys on this site, i hope they chime in with their 2 cents!!
Correction: above I meant to say semi-synthetic.

Even with that said I will be breaking in with straight mineral oil. Low dollar 2-stroke oil. After that I will be running a full synthetic: Klotz however I may try Mystic possibly later in the season just to try it out.

I truly believe if your machine is already broken in you can go to a synthetic or semi-synthetic no problem. However you shouldn't break an engine in with synthetic because the rings never wear enough to make a good seal.
I switched from Yamalube to Amsoil Interceptor last year and I will never go back. My powervalves where 3X cleaner this year. Less smoke, and a little less carbon build up.

Oh yea and it has quite the unique smell
WIsnoRyder said:
I switched from Yamalube to Amsoil Interceptor last year and I will never go back. My powervalves where 3X cleaner this year. Less smoke, and a little less carbon build up.

Oh yea and it has quite the unique smell

Did you have to do any adjusting of the oil cable?
