Chain case oil

75w 140.. Any synthetic will do. I like royal purple, but only because I have it left over from doing my years transmission flush and fill. Otherwise I would not waste the money.
SWEDE said:
The Yamaha shop manual calls for 75-80 weight gear oil.

The manual is referencing the winter weight of the oil.. 75w or 80w. The chaincase stays cool so the oil never heats up to standard operating temperature, which would thin it out to a 140 standard weight.
fusion 69 said:
8.5 oz of ATF, cheap and good, also has detergents in it
I wouldn't of thought ATF would be heavy enough for the chaincase but am going to take your word and try it, it does have excellent detergents and come to think of it the transmission is a tough place to spend your time lol thx!
There are plenty of oils out there that work fine. In the past I have used ATF with no issues. I think Mills Fleetfarm has some gear oil by Amsoil that I have used also in the past. I think I have Schaeffer's gear oil in my at the moment. Any 70-80 weight gear oil should work good though. I kind of lean towards the synthetic being it has a lower pour point viscosity. Be careful as not to twist or pinch your cover gasket when re-installing the chaincase cover. I did that once and it ruined a good ride with my buddies not to mention an oily left boot.
