Well I may be coming back to the srx world.I got in accident in May and been out of work since and getting married next month so I could use some cash.My buddy is trying going though the loan process right now to buy my nytro,my fiance still has her supercharges nytro though.I'm going to pick up my cousins srx the for $1200.I do have a complete 780 engine that MrViper buildt too!

cool, we'll be able to compare some tuning results. are you still going to want to part with the cable steering?
Yes because I have to trail ride it.
Congrats on coming back to a SRX. What kind of mods/upgrades do you have planned for it? There's nothing like the sound and feel of a good running SRX and I'm sure that yours will be a strong runner.

great to hear about the SRX..keep them running I say...bad news on your accident...
Definately can't go wrong with a good SRX, might be my favorite sled ever...
Could be worse, used cat??
Good to hear your getting back, closer to normal..
Good to hear your getting back, closer to normal..
good to hear. I have 12 srxs in my shop some r mine other r friends just good nice looking quality machines. good luck and welcome back to the baddest meanest and most exciting yamaha ever built.
Boomer said:Congrats on coming back to a SRX. What kind of mods/upgrades do you have planned for it? There's nothing like the sound and feel of a good running SRX and I'm sure that yours will be a strong runner.
Probaly a boss seat so my knees can take it.I have a titanium rod from my knee to ankle on my left leg now,and the stock seat for racing.Some go fast clutching.
Awesome Pro, put up some pics of the old iron when you pick her up!!!