jetting whit boyesen reed


New member
Feb 19, 2010
chateauguay qc
i just order boyesen reed to replace my broken stock one but accidentely orther the 2 stage reed.. To a have to rejet if everything is stock?
When I put those reeds in my vmax-4 it actually enrichened the mixture, by restricting air somewhat I guess? If you read the instructions very carefully it mentions it in there somewhere. So if anything you should be more safe then stock.
They will make properly tuned jetting lean on the air/fuel screw and rich on the mains. Adjust the air/fuel counter clockwise 1/8 to 1/4 of a turn and forget about the rest. It's a minute difference on the main jet circuit.
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would love to see if the second row does open after the first one is open ............. not sure those 2 stage are good .................
I have the 2 stage reeds on my XL-V and the throttle response is where they are worth it. You'll never be able to feel the power in the seat of your pants but they help clean up throttle response over the stockers. If you are replacing the metal pedal stock reeds, why not go to the digestible Boyesens?
the boysen reed is the best reed availiable as dynoed against all other reeds thats my opinion and who can argue a dyno report. i use them on my vmax4big bore
i have had the rad valves in mine for 11,000 miles . never rode it stock . mine is a very sweet trail set up . i rarely need to go over half throttle :bling:
some said yaa right , then they rode it and said i see why you dont go over half :letitsnow
