Bogie Wheels, Touch... Right?


New member
Dec 24, 2009
Hey guys... I've been doing a fair amount of sled maintenance over the summer, Including skid adjustments and new hyfax. I noticed today that the bogie wheels spin freely without touching the track when it is sitting on the ground. Why is this? Is it because of the new hyfax being thick or is something out of whack in the skid?
what is the thickness of the new it 3/4". I run oversized wheels so haven't come across this.Make sure your hyfax is the right one first.
Its just that you have good hyfax and they'll touch when your hyfax wear down some. I highly doubt that its anything to be concerned with.
What wheels? All or some? Have seen mistakenly using some of the wheel blocks for hyphax saver kits, so the would set lower than ones with stock blocks. My cousin even used one of these kits and still had stock center idlers so they were different height than outer ones. How is your transfer set up? If the rearend is way in the air maybee some toward the rear wont touch much if the track is hanging in that area a little. Could b many things I guess, no expert but that's where I would start looking. Maybee if u have the suspension out sometime set it on flat surface and see if they are all the same.
I didn't realize the newer style sliders are thicker, just wider but I may b wrong
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Thanks for the responses. It's an own hyfax. I'll get some pics posted Friday. Otherwise it is all 4 bogey wheels on the bottom.
get some polaris wheels from the same location on the skid will not ware hyfax as quick
