Where Can I Buy Electrical Parts.


Lifetime VIP Member
Jun 23, 2011
Bismarck, ND
When I took off my hood I was trying to unplug the white/clear conector that powers the headlight and the speedometer. In doing so the lock terminal and lock terminal o-ring went flying down into my pipes and I have looked for hours and cant find it anywhere, and I really dont wanna take my pipes off. So I need to find a new lock terminal or the whole connector. I have looked on the oem sites and cnat find anything, also I have been to the dealer and I cant get it either. So I was hoping maybe one of you guys have something. I have it taped up right now but it keeps pulling out causing my headlight and speedometer to not work. It would be great if one of you has it. It would be the female end. My sled is a SX Viper Mountain 700 by the way.
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do a search for weatherpak connectors. find someone local that has put the $$$ up for their kits and check for a match. gm dealers seem to have the best selection, second choice is the electrical rebuilders(the guys that do starters and alternators). same stuff yamaha uses.

Hey this is the connector that i need the lock terminal for or just the whole thing what ever works best. I need the female end of it.


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Hey it looks like i have that female plug!! Send me your address and i will mail it to u. I will just cut it off.
