This caught my eye, and looks to be extremely well take care of. A few mods but just curious to what you guys think of the price.
New member
looks high to me. sure its a nice sled and worth a bit more than average, but I think a bit more than average would be closer to $2k.
I am also a bit suspicions that little nit picky things are listed, but the gauge pod does not match the year of the sled and not mention of that.
I am also a bit suspicions that little nit picky things are listed, but the gauge pod does not match the year of the sled and not mention of that.
Looks like a nice ride and appears to be well taken care from the pictures. I wouldn't pay that for it, but I've already had one.
hey that inside hood picture is of my sled not his what a scam he is dreaming of having a clean srx.
your right the third pic is of a different sled. the front bumper is blue in the first 2 and is silver in the last pic.
what a ripoff I wouldn't touch it 160 hp to the track more like 90.
Good eye, scam. I highly doubt 160 hp. very hard to beleive.
I thought that too, 160 is hard enough to get for most people, let alone to the ground.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Skis are different as well, photos showing graffics clearly show aluminuim skis and open hood shot there blue plastic. If they are will ing to fake/use other sled pics you can count on the rest of it being B.S.! my .02!

VIP Member
I was going to say that International Falls doesn't have a number like that... 218 is the area code up there. But 807 is a Ontario number...

VIP Member
Now I see after googleing it that he has it listed in the Fort Francis Craigslist as well.