Matching Carbides to track


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Champlin, MN
I've got a new Ripsaw coming for my 02 Viper. I thought I remembered reading that the track is almost like being studded and can push a little in the corners if you don't have enough carbide. Any suggestions as to which carbides I should be running with that track. 90% groomed trails and riding moderately aggressive (which is probably subjective). I was thinking I'll need 6" of carbide?
Personally speaking, I wont use any other carbide other then the Bergstrom Skegs 8" tripple carbide. These perform great and will turn a sled on bare roads or concrete.
6 inches with no studs will work

I would call bergstrom to get his triple points with shim and ski saver kit. Best in the market IMO
I called Scott Bergstrom and he told me 10" triple points with my non studded ripsaw. I also put on the ski savers...can't wait to try it.
10" triple carbides sounds a little like over kill. How did you like talking to Scott? That guy knows his stuff and can talk your ear off.
Awesome feedback guys, Thanks. I'm hearing a lot of love for Bergstrom. I'm glad I posted this because I expected to hear everybody telling me to to get 6" Shapers.
We have the Shapers 6" on my Son's Viper. Approximatly 1,500 miles and still look great. The Hyfax do also. The track is a 1 1/4" Ripsaw 136". I could not believe the differance in wear from his to mine. Mine are worn out! On the SXR I have more ski pressure for sure. and I am running a 1" ripsaw with studs. Al
I have no issues with my 6"shaper bars either.Have the arrow ski dual carbide..turns on anything..Put 6" shaper bars on mu USI's for my SRX to..should be biting well.
I ran the 6 inch Bergstrom triple points with 3/8 ski saver and boot shim on my 09 FX Nytro with factory rip saw track with great results
