If you are a Cat guy,,watch out for the Doo's

That's just plain scary! I sure would not want to be hit! Kind of reminds me of trail riding when people stop in the middle of the trail and take breaks or cross country skiers or walkers!
yeah cross country skiers on one River here is one of the things to worry about.There are a lot of corners,so I am always aware there may be a skier or two in the path.When I was a young lad,cousin and I raced along that River constantly..came up to a skier once..he stood his ground and swung his ski pole at me..lucky I ducked down..lol .Not so funny really.Have to be aware of your surroundings..and be prepared for anything to creep up on you..and don't drink and ride is a good choice to begin with.
Well said " I try to always consider what be around the next corner and unlike the 70-80s don't drink while riding!
