Help me build a srx 700 mod motor.


New member
Nov 24, 2011
If you were going to build a race only motor what would you do?

I'm looking to build a full mod srx 700 motor. Any information you guys have would be greatly appreciated as I cant seem to find alot of information about it anywhere.

It does not need to have any trail manners, and can be obnoxiously loud. Race fuel is fine, pretty much anything goes. The more I can do myself the better.

I'm thinking about milling the heads to raise my compression (how much can I go?), modifying my stock pipes to make stingers (with my brothers help, hes an engineer currently doing his masters) , porting and polishing it myself (does anyone have any information or tips on this?) any other stuff I can do as well?
I'm not going to do a big bore kit yet, but that may come eventually.

Thanks for the input guys
motor wise, you would benefit from a good agressive port job by a reputable place. and getting your heads recut for different squish. im no expert on but there are some on this site. mr. viper may be able to help with this...
andrew k said:
motor wise, you would benefit from a good agressive port job by a reputable place. and getting your heads recut for different squish. im no expert on but there are some on this site. mr. viper may be able to help with this...

What he said ;)!
think_07 said:
If you were going to build a race only motor what would you do?

I would talk to mrviper then send my stuff to him, or any other performance shop. NOT something you can really do on your own, For one thing stock pipes will not suffice for a full race application. Do searches and READ and you will learn Alot! Good Luck with your project sounds like fun, hope you have money to spend. LOL!! :wel: :2strokes: :letitsnow
talk to mrviper or iantomasi. ported jugs, ported case, cut heads for race fuel, bored carbs, and a set of pipe to turn 9800rpm
the only thing you can do yourself is write the check. there is no cheap way to do this. thousands of dollars & a proven race motor builder...iantomasi, bender or full power performance. my bender/justin fuller built IS700 motor made 191 hp @ 9750rpm. w/ big carbs in PS form 200+ hp.
