hauch helix h

hauck "h" which is suppose to be 47/43, measures 45/41
V 51/45
so the smaller the angle the more aggressive it is ?
i thought it was the other way
s fortuna said:
hauck "h" which is suppose to be 47/43, measures 45/41
V 51/45
so the smaller the angle the more aggressive it is ?
i thought it was the other way

the smaller the angle the LESS aggressive the helix is
s fortuna said:
so if i want it to pull harder , than the v, and harder that the h i have now , what should i put in
http://www.totallyamaha.com/snowmobiles/aaTECH/ausertech/Helix Help/Understanding Helix.htm
D 51/43
G 49/41
I 47/41
V 51/45
B 54/44
L 45/39
N 45/39
K 45/41
E 47/43
X 52/47
K 45/41
W 56/50

a "B" 54/44 would pull harder than a 51/45, but I can't tell you exactly what angle to use, when i have no idea what sled you have, what mods you have, what the sled does now rpm wise, what the sled is used for....trail, drags, etc.
i got the sled new with a v in it , as i tweeked it talked to rusty at hauck , i need to go more aggressive . they gave me the h . worked well . then i put shims where it mounts , moved it out . now it works even better . but i would like the next step up for a super hard trail accel
