First Ride = Clutching Fun


New member
Oct 24, 2009
Manitoba, Canada
Last year I rebuilt my clutches on my 98 srx700. I went with one of Turks suggestions from the tech pages. Was night and day difference compared to a 13 year old wore down factory clutch set-up.
Last Year:
89a-10 4.5g rivet in 1st hole and .8g in tip
2 engagement shims
b-w-b primary spring
53/43 Dalton
Red Spring at 60
stock gearing 23/37
Camoplast 6 pitch 1" Track (no studs)

I had great fun with this set-up but had the following concerns: I was neck and neck with an F-7 and could only pull away from him if we were on a lake. I also do some 600 foot radar runs (just for fun, but still like to be respectable), I was consistently in the mid 80's on these runs,and felt that my sled performed better above 65mph then below. Obviously not what you want for 600 feet. I rarely do top speed runs across the lake, and would gladly give up some top end for a little more acceleration down low. So with that in mind a changed my gearing to 23/39 (13 wide,hyvo). On first ride my rpm's where to high (8700-8900), so I removed the 2 engagement shims and my rpm's where spot on (8200-8500). Sure felt like my sled hit 100 mph damn fast.

I currently have some 8bu-10's that I would like to try. I would appreciate if any one can give me a suggestion for a helix for the 8bu-10's. I don't mind doing my own testing with springs and rivets, but the helix is so expensive I would rather just buy one and then test from there. What Dalton helix would be good for 8bu-10's and 23/39 gearing? (I also bought a lot of other gears so I could make any ratio. I basically want 100mph as fast as possible and don't care what happens after that. I would also love any opinion on the importance of studs. Other then spinning right out of the hole, my track seems to hook-up O.K.)

