fuel screw issue


New member
Oct 11, 2009
well in the process of taking out the carbs for the first time..i noticed that the o-ring on the fuel screw was not on it when i pulled them out..does this mean the o-ring is wore out or does it even matter that it wasnt on it?? it was just laying in there
As long as it is in there you are fine. I've had this happen to me many many times. And when I have 4 3 cylinder 2 storkes I clean carbs on and rejet, I go through the carbs a lot in a year.
It is common for the o-ring to stay in the carb sometimes. I usually notice when I blow out the carbs and see it fly across the shop. I then look and notice that one of them isn't on the needle and the floor seach begins.
I just pulled mine out today, 2 out of three were that way. I've had it happen many times. I just make sure I get them back in there right and have never had any problems.
that is wht I have spare o rings and washers here..take a small wire and fish the ring out...searching the garage floor sucks..usually will find it next summer by accident..lol
edunn69 said:
It is common for the o-ring to stay in the carb sometimes. I usually notice when I blow out the carbs and see it fly across the shop. I then look and notice that one of them isn't on the needle and the floor seach begins.

lol. I've played that game before too
...and just last night while blowing out a pilot jet, guess what happened!? Damn air guns. You'd think I would have learned by now.
Yes, I also forgot to mention that I too have played that game,sucks! I'm with Bluemonster, I carry extra parts(o rings, washers,and also needle shims). Believe it or not I lost a needle shim once and had to wait a week cause my dealer had none.
this might sound like a dumb question..but what do u mean when u refer to the needle shim
viper700t said:
this might sound like a dumb question..but what do u mean when u refer to the needle shim

There is 2 tiny little (0.5mm IIRC) shims on the needle...accessed through the top of the carb, that let you set for X.0 or X.5 depending on how the shims are arranged.
I had a similar deal with one of my carbs when I was setting the fuel screw I felt a click. I knew that was wrong so I took the screw back out and found that there was half an o-ring. And the other half was down below it's seat. Not having an air gun I ended up taking a bobby pin and making a hook with it. I was able to fish it out. So click = bad. No click = good!
