36mill carbs


New member
Nov 27, 2005
just wondering if anyone has ran 36mill carbs , im making adaptor plates to make them work, there off a 2001 Zrt 600 and there going on my srx 600 , what do you guys think ??
600srxman said:
just wondering if anyone has ran 36mill carbs , im making adaptor plates to make them work, there off a 2001 Zrt 600 and there going on my srx 600 , what do you guys think ??

Seems to me the only guys running big bore carbs are guys with big bore engines along with the other better breathing stuff like porting, pipes, etc...

I think you'll be disappointed with all the work that goes into making them fit only to find they don't perform any better... or more likely worse.

Search "bored carbs" and you'll find there isn't much, if anything, to gain by going to bigger carbs... especially on a stock bore 600.
If my memeory is correct...the ZRT 600 carbs are Mikuni VM series that have "round slides". Our Yamaha tripples have TM "Flat Slide" carbs. The flat slides typically provide more precise fuel metering resulting in better throttle response, better fuel economy and as proven on SRXs they flow very well for 33s making respectable power .

IMO...the work to install VM 36s would be better spent on clutching and suspension work.


yes you are right ZRT's 600 came with vm up till 2000 and in 2001 they got TM's 36, and as for clutching and suspension , i have a SC 10 111 and its clutched well i think,
