New member
Hey guys this site has givin me great direction and advice in the past so ill try my luck again lol I have an 02 viper just rebuilt with a bender single pipe and can, M-10 suspension, bar riser etc, 1" camoplast 144 woodys.... My clutching is bone stock. Ive read threw the tech forums and looked at lots of different setups. Can someone steer me in the right direction as far as a setup for me please? I just want a snappy, strait, steady,stretch your arms pull to 100mph or so hahaha any help would be great. Thanks guys 

New member
There are a lot of user setups listed out in the technical pages under User Clutching Charts.
New member
Do a search on Heelclickers or Mr. Viper heelclicker setup. Alot of guys are using that . I went with the 53/43 helix with green secondary spring on mine.About 100 bucks for that setup. Not too bad. Haven't had a chance to try it yet but should be a nice improvement over stock. I would say you'll lose some speed with that M-10 and 144 studs but who knows?