Problem removing pivot arm bolt


New member
Mar 16, 2010
I have a '02 Viper. I am trying to remove the skid and am having an issue with one bolt on the pivot arm. The left side bolt just spins the shaft. I have tried an impact gun and it just spins and the bolt does not move. Next I tried putting the right side bolt back in and tightening it down. Then tried removing the left bolt again. It just loosens the right side bolt.

Any other ideas as to what to try to get that stubborn bolt to break loose?

try to get a propane torch and heat up the bolt.Usually works for me.Had w-arm bolt do the same,a little heat and impact takes it off ....
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Sounds like you've tried the obvious. Id keep trying with the right side bolt installed, maybe use a second Impact on the right side tightening it as you use the other on the left side.
If thats not an option, try letting the rear of the skid hang out of the tunnel, and force it sideways, creating some extra bind on the shaft while hitting it with the impact wrench.
whichever side loosens, take a 12mm end wrench and retighten under the flange of that bolt. now move to the other side and try and loosen it. may take a few tries but this method works well for me.

basically what you have done is break the bond on side A, retightened it past the point of adhesion to allow side B to release. give it a try.
Here is my technique for this problem. Remove the bolt which loosens up easily from the shaft. Usually these skid mounting bolts are pretty long so I put a nut and washer on the bolt I removed, threading the nut onto the bolt until there is an 1/8" between the nut and bolt head. The key is to leave a space between the nut and bolt head. Thread the bolt with the nut back into the shaft until the washer under the nut contacts the tunnel/skid frame bracket. Hold the "stuck" bolt with a wrench and tighten the nut on the bolt tight. Hold the nut with a wrench and use a wrench to loosen the "stuck" bolt. Once the "stuck" bolt lossens up, hold the opposite bolt head with a wrench and then loosen the nut. The bolt with the clamping nut comes right out. This technique has never failed me, especially on "burried" shafts like the one going through the center of the W arm, there is no place to grap it with a vise grip pliers.
Ok Blue, I think after three posts about using heat,he may try your way!
I GOT IT!!! I tried the lock nut on the loosened bolt(right side) and threaded that back on and tightened it up real good. But when I would go to the siezed bolt (left side) and hit it with an impact wrench, it would simply loosen up the right side bolt.

The trick that worked .... HEAT! I used a torch to heat up the bolt and then had the wife use the impact wrench on the right side to tighten while I used a breaker bar on the left side and it broke loose and came out. Whew!! I was sweating for a while wondering what the heck else to try.

Thanks for all the responses, this is a great forum!!!! I appreciate all the feedback.
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bluemonster1 said:
almost 10 times out of 10 heat will help loosen a bolt,especially with loctite in there.Glad you tried my way and it worked... ;)!
I think it was because he used the impact on the loose bolt! :o| lmao
nope..was the heat... ;)! I had a bolt one side of the w-arm would not budge with an impact.I went under the tunnel and put heat in that area and next thing the bolt loosened with the impact..simple as that..go figure...
Who cares if the heat worked or the impact with nut worked.

What works for me is any wife that will use an impact gun.

Now that is hotter then any torch !!!!!!!!

Screw their argument please post picture of wife with impact gun......
