keep or sell hauck growlers?


VIP Member
Oct 23, 2008
southern maine
In my neck of the woods, an aftermarket exhaust can fetch a $240 fine.......but the can is awesome sounding... What would u do? Sell or keep?
240 dollars will buy alot of gas ....guess it depends on whos sled you want to put it in yours or dnr ? i had a few of them they sound nice but not 240 nice ...i sold each of mine for 100 plus shipping saves a little weight and i dont think there is much if any hp gains ...and at the rate trails are being lost please do you part and consider the people who live close to the trails and have to hear sleds racing by all hours ...these were the things i considered when i decided to get rid of mine a yamaha guy and be considerite..... dont be a artic cat or skidoo guy and think you own the trail and pi$$ on what others think
$618 here in vermont to have anything after market out in the middle of nowhere but its ok to ride your bike through town at any hour rattling the dishs out of the cupboards
j2hizzo said:
In my neck of the woods, an aftermarket exhaust can fetch a $240 fine.......but the can is awesome sounding... What would u do? Sell or keep?

Didnt you already answer your own question seeing how the fine is more then the cost of the can plus what happens when you get busted 2 times?? seems pretty obvious to me, but............ :o|

Not to mention its faster with stock exhaust and nobody can tell anyhting is done to a sled,sounds innocent till the hands drop on the race.
I get the whole respectful thing...I'm not concerned with that as I ride trails that are many miles from houses and neighbors...
