New member
Well I broke down and decided to clean my carbs myself like on Mr. Vipers tech page to save some $$. Had a little bit of white crap in the bowls but not alot. Reset my fuel mixture screws to 1 7/8 turns and threw the carbs back on.
Heres my question..How sensitive are these vipers to old gas with sta-bil? I started it for the first time this year since last season and it sounded like it was missing and idling around 2000 rpms the would try to stall. When I started to rev it up after it was warm, it sounded like it had a dead cylinder? Did I screw it up? Maybe fuel screw tweaking? It sounds like it wants to run good, but can't. I know it needs fresh gas and its getting some today, but my wifes ski doo ran fine last night and the gas in it is just as old. Could the gas alone cause this? Maybe a dumb question, but I'm just looking for peace of mind.
Heres my question..How sensitive are these vipers to old gas with sta-bil? I started it for the first time this year since last season and it sounded like it was missing and idling around 2000 rpms the would try to stall. When I started to rev it up after it was warm, it sounded like it had a dead cylinder? Did I screw it up? Maybe fuel screw tweaking? It sounds like it wants to run good, but can't. I know it needs fresh gas and its getting some today, but my wifes ski doo ran fine last night and the gas in it is just as old. Could the gas alone cause this? Maybe a dumb question, but I'm just looking for peace of mind.
New member
First off, great job tackling the carbs yourself. Not cheap to have someone else do it. Plus a great sense of satisfaction knowing you did it yourself. Now, Drain the old gas out and use it in something else. Not worth taking a chance and dealing with possible crap gas. Fill it up with some nice fresh stuff. That will be piece of mind. Did you take the carbs completely apart and clean everything? Pilot jets especially, top hat filters under the inlet needles, all the small passages and orifices? Spray them all with carb cleaner and blow out with compressed air? The pilots may look clean but should be a nice round hole when you look through them. These triples are very sensitive.

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New member
I pulled the main jet, pilot jet, & fuel screw out & blew carb cleaner thru them. Sprayed the needle & all the air passages on the front of the carb. Pretty much if it had a hole, I used carb cleaner. Where is the top hat filter located?
New member
Top hats are under the float inlet needle. You have to pop the pins holding the floats to the carbs. Trust me on this, get yourself a spring loaded center punch to pop those pins out ( there was a recent discussion on here a couple weeks ago about this) The pins are tight on these carbs and you don't want to be trying to pound them out with a nail or something like that. You do not want to bust one of the towers off that hold the pins in place. Once the floats are out along with the needle take the small phillips screw with washer out. Use a pair of pliers to pull the brass insert out. The filters are on the bottom side of that brass insert.
Check those pilots again and make sure you have that nice round hole when you look through them. If they are not really clean, your sled will run like crap and could possibly burn down. Not good.
Check those pilots again and make sure you have that nice round hole when you look through them. If they are not really clean, your sled will run like crap and could possibly burn down. Not good.
Active member
They are under the needle and seat attached to the float bowls.I would try some new plugs first.
New member
Yea I threw some different plugs in that were on the airbox. The ones that were in got coated with fogging oil once it fired. They weren't new, but they were better than what was in there. I will take a look at that the filters tonight though. You guys think my fuel screw settings are ok? I think originally they may have only been turned out like 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 from lightly seated. Could this affect it that much?
You may get "idle hang" at that setting. Most set them at 1 7/8(factory spec) - 2.Suprx125 said:You guys think my fuel screw settings are ok? I think originally they may have only been turned out like 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 from lightly seated. Could this affect it that much?
New member
Yea, I have them at 1 7/8 now. Just Curious. Thanks for all the help so far guys!
I would suspect junk upstream, stuck needle, clogged passage or clogged pilot jet. You can simply spray some starter fluid or carb cleaner into the carb intakes right when you open the throttle to see if it makes a difference or not. This will help indicate if it is fuel related or not. Just go easy on the spray as it can have adverse effects if used too much. Also make sure the boots are back on right. It don't take much junk to mess it up. It is very possible that more junk is ahead of the carbs and you will need to clean them several times or simply clean your fuel system.
New member
Got it figured out. Turns out it didn't like the old gas & plugs. Pumped all the old crap out, put in fresh and its way better. Still gonna pull the carbs apart again and clean them to be safe. Thanks again fellas.
Pay close attention when cleaning out the pilot jets. Hold them up to a light and make sure there is a nice, round hole through them. Sometimes you can spray with cleaner, then blow air through and they look good, but sometimes a small wire has to be ran through them to bust up the crud.